swing | 2. cause to move in an arc or a sweeping curve, a. (os) mengayunkan: he took hold of the branch and swung himself up onto the moving truck, dia memaut dahan itu lalu mengayunkan badannya naik ke atas lori yg sedang bergerak itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
platform | berlepas dr pelantar; 6. main policy, aims of a political party, manifesto: the committee was to draw up the party’s ~, jawatankuasa itu ialah utk menyusun manifesto parti; 7. area at the entrance of a bus, platform: he jumped onto the ~ just as the bus moved off, dia melompat ke atas platform itu sewaktu bas itu mulai bergerak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |