move | ~ forward, a. go, proceed, maju, bergerak ke depan: the procession ~d forward after being halted for an hour, perarakan itu mula maju setelah terhenti selama sejam; b. advance, maju, membangun: the country is moving f | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
go | ~ forward, a. move in front, bergerak ke depan; b. proceed first, pergi dahulu; c. make progress, berjalan terus; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
onward | adv also onwards 1. forwards (in space) ke /depan, hadapan/: the group moved slowly ~s, kumpulan itu bergerak ke hadapan perlahan-lahan; move ~, (fig.) maju: all the countries are moving ~s, semua negara sedang maju; 2. (rel to journey) terus: they travelled from Singapore to Japan and then ~s to the United States, mereka terbang dr Singapura ke Jepun dan terus ke Amerika Syarikat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
forward | adj 1. situated in front, hadapan, depan; (naut) haluan: the ~ ranks of the troops, barisan hadapan pasukan tentera itu; the restaurant car is in the ~ part of the train, gerabak restoran di bahagian hadapan kereta api; the ~ part of the ship is slightly damaged, bahagian haluan kapal rosak sedikit; 2. onward, ke /hadapan, depan/: the line is making a ~ move now, barisan itu sedang bergerak ke hadapan sekarang; ~ planning, perancangan ke hadapan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |