serrated | adj bergerigi; (of leaves) serat: a knife with a ~ edge, pisau yg matanya bergerigi; ~ leaves, daun-daun serat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pinking shears | ngunting bergerigi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
indented | adj 1. notched, bergerigi; (of coastline) bersuak; 2. (printing) diengsot. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
burr1 | vt 1. form rough edge, menjadikan /bergerigis, bergerigi/; 2. remove rough edge, /meratakan, melicinkan/ gerigis. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wheel | n 1. disc or disc-like structure that revolves around an axle, roda: bicycle ~s, roda basikal; a car runs on four ~s, kereta bergerak dgn empat roda; I watched the ~s of the train move, saya melihat roda kereta api bergerak; 2. the steering wheel of a car or guiding wheel of a ship, stering; 3. circular object forming part of a machine, roda bergerigi: the ~s of a watch, roda bergerigi pd jam; 4. (in pl), (fig.) bureaucratic or organizational process, movement, etc, jentera: the ~s of government turn extremely slowly, jentera kerajaan bergerak amat perlahan; 5. changes that st goes through, perubahan: the ~ of fashion through the ages, perubahan fesyen dr zaman ke zaman; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
left-handed | adj 1. (of person) using left hand more skilfully than the right, kidal: a ~ badminton player, pemain badminton yg kidal; 2. (of blow, shot, etc) executed with left hand, tangan kiri: he gave a ~ smash, dia memberikan smesy tangan kiri; 3. made for use by the left-handed, utk orang kidal: ~ pinking shears, gunting bergerigi utk orang kidal; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
left-handed | adj 1. (of person) using left hand more skilfully than the right, kidal: a ~ badminton player, pemain badminton yg kidal; 2. (of blow, shot, etc) executed with left hand, tangan kiri: he gave a ~ smash, dia memberikan smesy tangan kiri; 3. made for use by the left-handed, utk orang kidal: ~ pinking shears, gunting bergerigi utk orang kidal; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
indentation | n 1. depression, lekuk: the ~s made by the heels of her shoes, lekuk yg disebabkan oleh tumit kasutnya; 2. (in leaf) gerigi; 3. deep recess (in coastline) suak; 4. space left between margin and the beginning of the first line, jarak engsot; 5. act of, a. (starting line of print etc in from the regular margin) pengengsotan; b. (making jagged) menyebabkan bergerigi; (coastline) menyebabkan bersuak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |