interlaced | adj intertwined, berjalin: ~ boughs, dahan-dahan yg berjalin; they held hands, their fingers ~, mereka berpegangan tangan dgn jari berjalin. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
interlace | vi berjalin: the branches ~d to form a canopy, dahan-dahan itu berjalin dan membentuk sudur; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intertwine | vi berjalin: the vines ~ to form a dense cover, pokok-pokok menjalar itu berjalin dan membentuk naungan yg tebal; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intertwine | vt (usu pass.) berjalin: her hair was ~d with pearls, rambutnya berjalin dgn mutiara. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
interweave | vt weave together, menjalinkan; (people’s lives) saling berjalin: to ~ pandanus straw of various colours, menjalinkan jalur-jalur mengkuang yg berbagai-bagai warna; the author interwove reality with fiction in his novel, pengarang itu menjalinkan kehidupan nyata dgn rekaan dlm novelnya; their lives seemed to be ~d, kehidupan mereka nampaknya saling berjalin. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
interweave | vi berjalin; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intricate | adj 1. difficult to understand, resolve, rumit: the ~ details of the report, butir-butir yg rumit dlm laporan itu; the ~ processes of government, proses-proses pentadbiran yg rumit; ~ puzzles, teka-teki yg rumit; an ~ problem, masalah yg rumit; 2. entangled and elaborate, berjalin-jalin dan kompleks: an ~ pattern, corak yg berjalin-jalin dan kompleks; ~ carvings, ukiran yg berjalin-jalin dan kompleks; 3. complex, kompleks: an ~ mechanism, mekanisme yg kompleks; the story has an ~ plot, cerita itu mempunyai plot yg kompleks. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intricacy | n 1. quality of being, a. (difficult to understand, resolve) rumitnya, rumit: the plan was marred by the ~ of its details, rancangan itu tercemar krn butiran-butirannya rumit; b. (entangled and elaborate) berjalin-jalin dan kompleks: the ~ of the design, corak yg berjalin-jalin dan kompleks; c. (complex) kompleksnya: early map makers had been baffled by the ~ of the river system, pembuat peta pd zaman dahulu menjadi bingung krn kompleksnya sistem sungai tersebut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
thread | 4. train of thought, aliran, urutan: I’ve lost the ~ of the argument, saya sudah hilang aliran hujah itu; the story has three main ~s which all weave together, cerita itu ada tiga urutan utama yg saling berjalin; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
entwine | ~ st /with, in/ st , ( usu pass .), a. (arm, leg ), (act.) memautkan sst pd; ( pass . ) sst berpautan dgn: she ~d her arm in mine, dia memautkan tangannya pd tangan saya; b. (finger ), (act .) menjalinkan sst pd; ( pass. ) sst berjalin dgn: they sat on the bench, his fingers ~d with hers, mereka duduk di bangku, jari-jarinya berjalin dgn jari-jari gadis itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |