fork | <i>vt use fork,i> a. (<i>to put it somewherei>) mencampakkan (sst) dgn pencucuk: <i>he ~ed the corn sheaves onto the wagon,i> dia mencampakkan berkas-berkas jerami dgn pencucuk ke atas trak; b. (<i>to break groundi>), /menggemburkan, membalik-balikkan/ dgn penggembur: <i>he ~ed the rose bed yesterday,i> dia membalik-balikkan batas pokok mawar itu dgn penggembur semalam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bundle | <i>ni> 1. <i>group of things bound together,i> ikat, berkas: <i>~s of newspapers,i> berikat-ikat surat khabar; <i>a ~ of sticks,i> seikat kayu: in ~s of, dlm /ikatan, berkas/: <i>the letters were tied up in ~s of 50,i> surat-surat itu diikat dlm berkas lima puluh lima puluh; 2. <i>things wrapped together,i> bungkus: <i>a ~ of dirty clothes,i> sebungkus pakaian kotor; 3. <i>(sl) large sum of money,i> wang (yg) berkoyan-koyan; 4. <i>(biol)i> berkas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sheaf | <i>ni> 1.<i> bundle of wheat, corn, etc bound together after reaping,i> berkas, ikat: <i>sheaves of corn,i> beberapa berkas jagung; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
vascular bundle | <i>ni> berkas /vaskular, pembuluh/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
faggot1 | (US) fagot <i>n bundle of twigs, sticks,i> /ikat, berkas/ /ranting, kayu/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
tie | <i>vt i>1. <i>alsoi> ~ /so., st/ up, <i>fasten with string, cord, etc,i> mengikat: <i>the horse was ~d up to a tree,i> kuda itu diikat pd pokok; <i>her hair was brushed and ~d up with a ribbon,i> rambutnya diberus dan diikat dgn reben; <i>the children ~d the sticks into bundles,i> budak-budak itu mengikat kayu itu menjadi berkas; <i>Ismail can now ~ his own shoelaces,i> Ismail sudah pandai mengikat tali kasutnya sendiri; <i>the robbers ~d up their victims,i> perompak-perompak itu mengikat mangsa mereka; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |