self-seeking | n sikap berkepentingan diri: there is as much ~ in the university as in the business world, terdapat sikap berkepentingan diri yg sama di universiti mahupun dlm dunia perniagaan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
self-seeking | adj berkepentingan diri: being rich, she suspected that all her suitors were ~, oleh sebab dia kaya dia merasakan bahawa semua pelamarnya berkepentingan diri; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
interested | 3. having curiosity aroused, ingin tahu (apa yg sedang berlaku): they were surrounded by ~ spectators while they argued, mereka dikelilingi beberapa pemerhati yg ingin tahu apa yg sedang berlaku semasa mereka bertengkar; 4. concerned, ingin tahu: I’m ~ to know how much you’ve spent, saya ingin tahu berapa banyak yg telah kamu belanjakan; we shall be ~ to hear the results, kami ingin tahu keputusannya; 5. be personally concerned so as to be partial, berkepentingan: ~ parties, pihak-pihak yg berkepentingan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
interest | he offered to buy out his brother’s ~ in the firm, dia menawar utk membeli kepentingan abangnya dlm firma tersebut; the man who has the controlling ~ in the steel mill, orang yg mempunyai kepentingan mengawal dlm kilang keluli itu; a financier with business ~s all over the world, ahli kewangan yg mempunyai kepentingan perniagaan di seluruh dunia; 7. group of people having common concern, aims, etc, [no specif translation]: the landed ~, tuan-tuan tanah; the mining ~s, pelombong-pelombong; the business ~s, para usahawan; ~ group, kumpulan berkepentingan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |