wag1 | tongues ~, orang berketuk-berketak: tongues ~ged when the couple separated, orang berketuk-berketak apabila pasangan itu berpisah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wag1 | set tongues ~ging, membuat orang berketuk-berketak: the scandal set tongues ~ging, skandal itu membuat orang berketuk-berketak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cluck | vi 1. make sound of a hen, berketak-ketak, berketuk-ketuk, berketuk-ketak: the frightened hens ~ed and squawked, ibu-ibu ayam yg ketakutan itu berketak-ketak dan berkeok-keok; 2. talk in a way that shows disapproval, becok merungut; 3. fuss, bersibuk-sibuk; (in direct speech), /katanya, berkata/ dgn becok: stop ~ing like a mother hen, janganlah bersibuk-sibuk sangat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ripple | vi 1. form, have ripples, beriak; (of hair) berketak-ketak: the tall bamboos near the river were rippling in the gentle breeze, pokok-pokok buluh yg tinggi berhampiran sungai sedang beriak-riak dihembus angin lembut; her hair ~d down her back, rambutnya berjurai berketak-ketak di belakangnya; 2. (of laughter, applause) rise and fall gently, beralun: the sound of applause ~d from the crowd, bunyi tepukan beralun drpd orang ramai; 3. (of muscles) having wave-like movement, bergetar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cackle | vi 1. (of hen) berketak, berketuk, berkotek, berketuk-ketak; 2. (of person) a. laugh noisily, tertawa /terkekek-kekek, terkekeh-kekeh/: the old woman ~d at the joke, perempuan tua itu ketawa terkekek-kekek mendengar jenaka itu; b. chatter noisily, becok berborak: a group of women cackling over tea, sekumpulan perempuan yg becok berborak sambil minum teh. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wavy | adj 1. having waves, berombak-ombak, berketak-ketak: she has ~ hair, rambutnya berombak-ombak; 2. undulating, berombak-ombak: the ~ surface of the sandy desert, permukaan gurun pasir yg berombak-ombak; a pattern of ~ lines in black, corak garis hitam yg berombak-ombak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wave | vi 1. signal with a wave of the hand, melambai: she ~d to us with her scarf, dia melambai kpd kami dgn skarfnya; he saw us, and ~d, dia nampak kami lalu melambai; he stood on the platform and ~d to us until the train was out of sight, dia berdiri di platform itu dan melambai kpd kami sehingga kereta api itu tdk kelihatan lagi; 2. move to and fro or up and down, melambai-lambai: banners ~d above the crowd, sepanduk yg melambai-lambai di tengah-tengah orang ramai; the tops of the coconut palms ~d in the wind, daun-daun kelapa itu melambai-lambai ditiup angin; 3. (of hair) grow in regular curls, berombak, berketak: his hair ~s naturally, rambutnya berombak semula jadi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |