ignite | vi bernyala, menyala: petroleum ~s easily, petroleum menyala dgn mudah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
light 1 | vi bernyala, menyala: the fire won’t ~ as the wood is damp, api tdk mahu menyala krn kayu basah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
light 1 | vi bernyala, menyala: the fire won’t ~ as the wood is damp, api tdk mahu menyala krn kayu basah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ignite | vt (with human agent) mencucuh, menyalakan; (with non-human agent) menyebabkan sst /bernyala, menyala/: his cigarette stub ~d the petrol, puntung rokoknya telah menyebabkan petrol itu menyala. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
come | ~ on, a. follow, ikut, menyusul: you leave now, I’ll ~ on later, kamu pergi sekarang, saya akan ikut kemudian; b. (of electrical appliances) terpasang; (light) bernyala, menyala, terpasang; c. (of illness) start, akan mendapat; (attack of asthma, hay fever, etc) akan diserang: my neck muscles feel taut; I may have migraine coming on, urat leher saya berasa tegang; mungkin saya akan mendapat migrain; d. (of night, season, rain, etc), [various translations]: the harvest must be completed before the rainy season ~s on, penuaian mesti selesai sebelum musim hujan; night is coming on, malam merangkak tiba; it came on to snow, salji mula turun; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
alight 2 | adj 1. on fire, kindled, terbakar; (of fire, torch, lamp, candle) menyala, bernyala: the torch was to be kept continually ~, obor itu hendaklah sentiasa dibiarkan menyala; catch ~, terbakar; set st ~, membakar sst; (fire, torch, lamp, candle) menyalakan sst: the cause of the fire was a pile of rubbish which some youths had set ~ to, punca kebakaran itu ialah longgokan sampah yg dibakar oleh sekumpulan pemuda; 2. lit up, a. disinari, diterangi: the house was ~ with hundreds of candles, rumah itu diterangi oleh beratus-ratus lilin; b. (fig.), (of eyes) bersinar, bercahaya; (of face) bercahaya, berseri-seri: eyes that were ~ with love, mata yg bersinar dgn kasih sayang; his face was ~ with pleasure, mukanya bercahaya krn gembira; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flaming | adj 1. blazing, bernyala: a ~ log fell out of the fire, sepuntung kayu yg bernyala jatuh dr perapian; 2. very bright, menyala; (of sky, sunset) merah menyala, bersemarak: a ~ red dress, baju yg warnanya merah menyala; 3. heated, berapi-api: a ~ row, pertengkaran yg berapi-api; be in a ~ temper, sedang naik darah; 4. (colloq) damned, celaka: where’s my ~ passport, di mana pasport celaka aku?. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
rekindle | vi 1. bernyala semula: the dying fire ~d when he blew on it, api yg hampir padam itu menyala semula sewaktu dia meniupnya; 2. (fig.), /menyala, hidup/ semula; (of enthusiasm), /berkobar-kobar, bernyala-nyala/ semula: hope ~d when another ship appeared on the horizon, harapan menyala semula sewaktu sebuah kapal lain muncul di ufuk; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
kindle | vi 1. start to burn, bernyala: the dry wood ~d immediately, kayu kering itu bernyala dgn cepat; 2. become animated, menyala: his rage ~d at the thought, kemarahannya menyala apabila mengingatkan perkara itu | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
burn | vi 1. undergo combustion, be or be set on fire, terbakar: the house was ~ing and there were cries for help, rumah itu terbakar dan kedengaran jeritan minta tolong; some wood ~s easily, setengah-setengah kayu mudah terbakar; that material won’t ~, bahan itu tdk boleh terbakar; 2. emit light, menyala, bernyala: the lights in the house ~ed all night, lampu-lampu dlm rumah itu menyala sepanjang malam; the fire ~ed brightly, api itu bernyala dgn maraknya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |