unreasonably | 3. excessively, tdk /berpatutan, munasabah/: I think the price is ~ high, saya fikir harganya tinggi tdk berpatutan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
unreasonable | 3. excessive, tdk /berpatutan, munasabah/: he asked an ~ price for the house, dia meminta harga yg tdk berpatutan utk rumah itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
appropriate | e. (of amount charged, fine, etc) berpatutan: to charge so. the ~ amount, mengenakan bayaran yg berpatutan kpd sso; f. (of specif place) berkenaan: each letter should be placed in the ~ files, setiap surat hendaklah dimasukkan ke dlm fail yg berkenaan; ~ boxes, kotak-kotak yg berkenaan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
unconscionable | 2. excessive, unreasonable, tdk berpatutan: she spends an ~ amount of money on clothes, dia membelanjakan wang yg tdk berpatutan banyaknya utk membeli pakaian. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fairness | n 1. quality of being just, keadilan: to show ~ in our dealings, memperlihatkan keadilan dlm urusan kita; 2. reasonableness, berpatutan: the ~ of the taxes, cukai yg berpatutan; 3. favourableness, pleasantness, baik; 4. beauty, kecantikan; 5. lightness, a. (of skin, complexion) putih; b. (of hair) perang kekuning-kuningan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
undue | adj 1. excessive, berlebih-lebih, tdk berpatutan: the ~ attention given to the problem, perhatian yg berlebih-lebih yg diberikan kpd masalah itu; the new law will bring ~ hardship to the people, undang-undang baru itu akan menyebabkan kesukaran yg berlebih-lebih kpd rakyat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
reasonableness | n 1. reasonable character, kemunasabahan, munasabah; 2. moderation, keberpatutan, berpatutan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
terms | 2. prices, rates, kadar, harga: the shop sells goods at reasonable ~, kedai itu menjual barang-barang dgn harga yg berpatutan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
reasonable | 2. in accordance with reason, munasabah, masuk akal: he offered a ~ excuse for his behaviour, dia memberikan alasan yg munasabah atas perbuatannya; it is quite ~ that he should feel himself unjustly treated, munasabah betul dia berasa dirinya diperlakukan secara tdk adil; 3. within the limits of reason, moderate, berpatutan: the price is ~, harganya berpatutan; the union’s demands are not ~, tuntutan-tuntutan kesatuan itu tdk berpatutan; 4. tolerable, agak baik, boleh tahan: the food in our canteen is ~, makanan di kantin kami boleh tahan; 5. not expensive, agak murah: clothes are quite ~ at that store, pakaian agak murah di kedai itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
just | adj 1. fair, impartial, adil, saksama: it was a ~ decision, keputusan itu adil; a ~ leader, pemimpin yg adil; a ~ society, masyarakat yg adil; it is only ~, memang patut: it is only ~ to pay him something for his trouble, memang patut kita memberinya sedikit wang krn penat lelahnya; 2. deserved, berpatutan: it was a ~ reward for her contributions to the programme, itu ganjaran yg berpatutan atas sumbangannya thdp rancangan itu; ~ treatment, layanan yg berpatutan; 3. reasonable, well-founded, berasas: ~ resentment, rasa sakit hati yg berasas; can you show ~ cause for your actions?, bolehkah kamu memberikan alasan yg berasas bagi tindakan kamu?; ~ suspicion, rasa curiga yg berasas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |