stem 1 | vi berpunca: the pain in his leg ~s from an old war wound, sakit kakinya berpunca drpd kecederaannya semasa perang dahulu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grow | ~ out of, a. result from, arise, /berpunca, bermula/ drpd: the conflict grew out of a misunderstanding, konflik itu berpunca drpd salah faham; b. become too big for, tdk boleh lagi memakai: she has ~n out of all her old clothes, dia sudah tdk boleh lagi memakai semua pakaian lamanya; c. discard as one becomes older, meninggalkan: thank goodness he has ~n out of throwing tantrums, syukurlah dia telah meninggalkan tabiatnya yg suka memberang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ascription | vt; ~ st to, a. consider st to be the result of, menganggap [sst] sbg /berpunca drpd, disebabkan oleh/: he ~d his success to hard work, dia menganggap kejayaannya sbg berpunca drpd usahanya yg sungguh-sungguh; b. believe st to be the work of, menganggap [sst] sbg /ciptaan, karya/: this poem has been ~d to Chaucer, sajak ini dianggap sbg ciptaan Chaucer; c. attribute st to specific origin, period, etc, menganggap [sst] berasal /dr, drpd/: the alphabet is generally ~d to the Phoenicians, abjad pd umumnya dianggap berasal drpd orang Phoenecia; an invention that is variously ~d to the sixth and the ninth centuries, sebuah rekaan yg oleh setengah-setengah orang dianggap berasal dr kurun yg keenam atau dr kurun yg kesembilan; d. assign an attribute of, /menganggap, mengatakan/ [sst] sbg sifat [sso dll]: he ~d beauty to youth, dia menganggap kecantikan sbg sifat keremajaan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
spring | 4. originate, berasal; (of feeling, attitude, etc) berpunca: she sprang from common stock, dia berasal drpd keturunan orang biasa; her fear of the dark sprang from a bad experience as a child, ketakutannya berada dlm gelap berpunca drpd pengalaman buruk semasa kanak-kanak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
derive | vi 1. originate, berasal: English and German ~d from a common source, bahasa Inggeris dan bahasa Jerman berasal drpd sumber yg sama; 2. spring, come, berpunca: his income ~s from bonds and stocks, pendapatannya berpunca drpd bon dan stok; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
born | he spoke with a confidence ~ of knowledge, dia bercakap dgn keyakinan yg berpunca drpd ilmu pengetahuan; I was not ~ yesterday, saya bukan budak mentah: you don’t fool me. I wasn’t ~ yesterday, saya tdk mudah diakali. Saya bukan budak mentah: in all o’s ~ days, (colloq) seumur, hidup sso, sepanjang /hayat, umur, hidup/ sso: I’ve never heard such a thing in all my ~ days, saya tak pernah dengar perkara spt itu sepanjang umur saya; wish one had never been ~, menyesal sso dilahirkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
attribute | vt; ~ st to, a. regard to be the result of, menganggap sst /berpunca drpd, disebabkan oleh/: he ~d the team’s defeat to lack of training, dia menganggap kekalahan pasukan itu disebabkan oleh kurang latihan; b. regard st to have been written etc by, menganggap sst + approp v oleh: the play was ~d to Bertolt Brecht, lakonan itu dianggap ditulis oleh Bertolt Brecht; c. regard st to have been written etc in, menganggap sst + approp v /pd, dlm/: a jar that is ~d to the tenth century, sebuah pasu yg dianggap dibuat pd abad kesepuluh; d. regard as a quality of, mengatakan [sso] mempunyai: to ~ to so. qualities that he does not possess, mengatakan sso mempunyai sifat-sifat yg tdk ada padanya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
attributable | adj can be regarded, a. (as being the result of) dapat dianggap /berpunca, disebabkan oleh/: his success is ~ to his father’s position, kejayaannya dapat dianggap disebabkan oleh kedudukan ayahnya; b. (as having been written etc by, in) dapat dianggap + approp v: a sonnet that is ~ to Shakespeare, sebuah soneta yg dapat dianggap ditulis oleh Shakespeare; a figurine that is ~ to the Ming dynasty, sebuah patung kecil yg dapat dianggap diukir dlm zaman dinasti Ming; c. (as being a quality of) dapat dikatakan ada [pd sso]. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ascribe | adj; be ~ to, a. may be considered to be the result of, dapat dianggap sbg /berpunca drpd, disebabkan oleh/; b. may be considered to be the work of, dapat dianggap sbg /ciptaan, karya/; c. may be considered to originate from, dapat dianggap (sbg) berasal /dr, drpd/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
rise | 14. (of wind) blow strongly, bertiup kencang; 15. become more intense, memuncak: excitement is rising in him, keghairahan sedang memuncak dlm dirinya; 16. (of facial colour) naik merah padam: her colour rose when she saw him, mukanya naik merah padam sewaktu melihatnya; 17. originate, begin, berpunca: the quarrel rose from a misunderstanding, pergaduhan itu berpunca dr salah faham; 18. have its source, bermula, berpunca: the river ~s in the Alps, sungai itu bermula di Pergunungan Alps; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |