Maklumat Kata

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sekolah (kata nama)
Bersinonim dengan madrasah, perguruan, kolej, maktab, sekolah pondok;,
Kata Terbitan : bersekolah, menyekolahkan, persekolahan,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

school 1 the children are not of ~ age, kanak-kanak itu belum mencapai umur bersekolah; he began ~ earlier than the other children, dia mula bersekolah lebih awal drpd budak-budak lain; is he old enough for ~?, adakah dia sudah cukup umur utk bersekolah?;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
school 1 n 1. any educational institution, sekolah: a ~ for the blind, sekolah utk orang-orang buta; night ~, sekolah malam; primary ~, sekolah rendah; at ~, attending educational institution, bersekolah;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
thenadv 1. at that time, (pd) /waktu, masa, ketika/ itu: we were still at school ~, kami masih bersekolah pd waktu itu; we were away ~, pd waktu itu kami tdk ada; I hope we’re still alive ~, saya harap kita masih hKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
school 1 3. both teachers and pupils, sekolah: the whole ~ knows all about it, seluruh sekolah tahu ttg perkara itu; 4. a. attendance at such an institution, bersekolah:Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
contemporaryn 1. so. living in same period as one, (orang yg) hidup sezaman: Keats and Shelley were contemporaries, Keats dan Shelley hidup sezaman; 2. person equal in age, sebaya dgn: he was a ~ of mine at school, dia sebaya dgn saya semasa bersekolah.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
happyadj 1. full of contentment, bahagia: the ~ couple, pasangan yg bahagia; a ~ family, keluarga bahagia; a ~ life, hidup yg bahagia; 2. cheerful, a. (gen) gembira: she looks ~ today, dia kelihatan gembira hari ini; the boy is ~ at school now, budak itu gembira bersekolah sekarang; a ~ childhood, zaman kanak-kanak yg gembira; b. (of smile, laughter, etc) riang, gembira: a child’s ~ laughter, ketawa riang seorang kanak-kanak; c. (of a child) periang;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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