high-class | adj 1. superior, bertaraf tinggi, terkemuka: a ~ hotel, hotel bertaraf tinggi; 2. of high quality, bermutu tinggi, sangat baik: he did a ~ job, kerjanya bermutu tinggi; 3. of high social standing, kelas atasan: a ~ residential area, kawasan kediaman kelas atasan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lowly | adj humble, of low status, a. (of person) bawahan: a man of ~ birth who became a successful businessman, seorang yg berasal dr keturunan bawahan yg kini menjadi usahawan yg berjaya; b. (in rank, occupation, etc) bertaraf rendah: many young people won’t take on jobs they consider to be ~, ramai anak muda yg enggan melakukan pekerjaan yg dianggap bertaraf rendah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
professional | adj profesional; (derog) kaki: I think you need ~ advice on the matter, saya rasa kamu memerlukan nasihat profesional ttg perkara itu; a ~ photographer, jurugambar profesional; some of the dancers were of ~ standard, sesetengah penari itu bertaraf profesional; the club has a number of ~ men as members, kelab itu mempunyai beberapa orang ahli profesional sbg anggotanya; ~ tennis has developed remarkably, tenis profesional telah berkembang dgn pesatnya; beware, she’s a ~ gossip, awas, dia kaki gosip; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
rank 1 | n 1. position in the armed forces etc, pangkat: he was promoted to the ~ of commander, dia dinaikkan pangkat menjadi komander; 2. distinct social class, taraf, darjat: a man of high ~, orang yg bertaraf tinggi; people from all ~s of society, orang-orang dr semua taraf dlm masyarakat; 3. line of person or things, baris(an): the boys and girls were standing in separate ~s, kanak-kanak lelaki dan perempuan berdiri dlm baris yg berasingan; 4. taxi stand, perhentian teksi; 5. (math) pangkat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |