tell | 7. (fml) to count, [various translations]: the holy man sat ~ing his beads, orang alim itu duduk berzikir dgn menggunakan tasbih; he is too young to be able to ~ the time, dia terlalu kecil utk mengetahui pukul be | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bead | n 1. ornamental rounded object, manik: a string of ~s, seuntai manik; 2. (of rosary) a. (as used by Muslims) buah tasbih; b. (as used by Catholics) buah rosario; tell o’s ~s, a. (rel to a Muslim) /berzikir, berwirid/ sambil membilang buah tasbih; b. (rel to a Catholic) berdoa dgn membilang buah rosario; 3. small drop, titik: ~s of sweat, titik-titik peluh; ~s of dew, titik-titik embun; 4. (of gun) pembidik, pejera: draw a ~ on st, membidik sst; 5. (archit) kumai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |