state | <i> do clean your room. It’s in a terrible ~,i> bersihkanlah bilik kamu. Bilik ini dlm keadaan berselerak benar; <i> in such a ~ as this, all we can do is pray,i> dlm keadaan susah begini, yg dapat kita lakukan hanyalah berdoa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pastel | <i> adj i> (<i> of colour i>) pastel: <i>the rooms are painted in various ~ shades i>, bilik-bilik itu dicat dgn pelbagai warna pastel; <i> ~ green,i> hijau pastel; ~ pink, merah kesumba; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bedroom | <i>ni> bilik tidur: <i>~ furniture,i> perabot bilik tidur; <i>a ~ scene,i> babak bilik tidur. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
light 1 | <i>adji> 1. <i>not dark,i> terang: <i>the hotel rooms are airy and ~,i> bilik-bilik di hotel itu berangin dan terang; 2. <i>(of colour)i> muda: <i>~ blue,i> biru muda; ~ - coloured skin, berkulit cerah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
light 1 | <i>adji> 1. <i>not dark,i> terang: <i>the hotel rooms are airy and ~,i> bilik-bilik di hotel itu berangin dan terang; 2. <i>(of colour)i> muda: <i>~ blue,i> biru muda; ~ - coloured skin, berkulit cerah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
floor | <i>vti> 1. <i>construct a floor in,i> melantai: <i>they have ~ed the rooms with teak,i> mereka telah melantai bilik-bilik itu dgn kayu jati; 2. <i>knock to the floor,i> menumbangkan, menjatuhkan, merebahkan: <i>he ~ed his opponent with one blow,i> dia menumbangkan lawannya dgn satu tumbukan; 3. (<i>colloqi>) <i>bewilder,i> (<i>act.i>) membingungkan; (<i>pass.i>) bingung, kebingungan: <i>the question ~ed him,i> pertanyaan itu membingungkannya; <i>I’m completely ~ed,i> saya betul-betul bingung; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
screen | <i>ni> 1. <i>movable, upright structure, skrin,i> adang-adang: <i>the officers’ rooms are separated from one another by glass ~s,i> bilik-bilik pegawai itu telah disekat antara satu dgn yg lain dgn skrin kaca; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
room | <i>ni> 1. <i>interior space enclosed by wallsi>, bilik: <i>there are four ~s upstairsi>, ada empat bilik di atas; <i>a double ~ at the hoteli>, bilik kelamin di hotel; 2. <i>space that is or could be occupiedi>, tempat, ruang: <i>is there ~ in the car for me?i> ada tempat utk saya di dlm kereta itu?; <i>this cupboard takes up too much ~i>, almari ini mengambil terlalu banyak tempat; make ~ (for), memberikan tempat: <i>can you make ~ for one more?i>, boleh kamu beri tempat utk satu lagi?; 3. <i>scope, opportunityi>, ruang: <i>your work is good but there is ~ for improvementi>, kerja kamu baik tetapi masih ada ruang utk membaikinya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
walled | <i>adj enclosed within a wall,i> bertembok: <i>a ~ city,i> bandar raya bertembok; ~ with, <i>provided with a wall,i> berdindingkan: <i>the rooms were ~ with marble, i> bilik-bilik itu berdindingkan marmar | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pass | <i>vi i> 1. <i> proceed, move onwards, i>pergi, berjalan, bergerak; ( <i>without o’s way being blocked i>) lalu: <i>the tourists ~ed from room to room, admiring the beautiful furnishings, i>para pelancong bergerak dr bilik ke bilik mengagumi keindahan peralatannya; <i>please let me ~, i> tumpang lalu; <i>please let us ~, i>benarkan kami lalu; <i> they let them ~, i>mereka membenarkan orang-orang itu lalu; 2. <i>proceed along specified route, i>lalu; ( <i>of river etc i>) mengalir: <i>the procession ~ed in front of my house, i>perarakan itu lalu di hadapan rumah saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |