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Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata buah-buahan 1

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

fruitn 1. buah; (collectively) buah-buahan: the ~ of this tree is not edible, buah pokok ini tdk boleh dimakan; the main course was followed by a choice between ~ and cheese, hidangan utama diikuti dgn pilihan antara buah-buahan dan keju; 2. (fig.) hasil, buah: the ~s of his labour, hasil usahanya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
mincemeatn 1. mixture of dried fruits, spices, etc, ramuan buah-buahan kering; 2. (US) minced meat, daging kisar;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
storage n 1. act of storing,, penyimpanan: ~ of fruit and vegetables,, penyimpanan buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran; 2. place for storing,, (tempat) simpanan: he collected the goods from ~,, dia mengambil barang-barang dr tempat simpanan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
glassn 1. hard, transparent substance, kaca: a fruit bowl made of ~, mangkuk buah-buahan yg dibuat drpd kaca; 2. st made of glass, a. (drinking vessel) gelas; b. (mirror) cermin, kaca muka; c. (barometer) barometer: the ~ is falling, barometer itu menurun; 3. contents of a glass, gelas: I’ll have another ~ of whisky, please, tolong beri saya segelas wiski lagi; 4. glassware collectively, barang(-barang) kaca: all the ~ and china has been put away, semua barang kaca dan tembikar itu telah disimpan; 5. protective cover, cermin: when he broke the ~ of the display case an alarm went off, apabila dia memecahkan cermin almari kaca itu, penggera berbunyi;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
preparationn 1. process of preparing or being prepared, penyediaan: the ~ of the fruit for bottling takes a long time, penyediaan buah-buahan utk dibotolkan mengambil masa yg lama; ~ of the ground for planting should be started immediately, penyediaan tapak utk menanam pokok hendaklah dimulakan dgn cepat; in ~, sbg persediaan utk; (of meal) sedang /dimasak, disediakan/: the servants were cleaning the house in ~ for the return of the family, pembantu rumah sedang membersihkan rumah sbg persediaan utk menyambut kepulangan keluarga tersebut;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
preparationn 1. process of preparing or being prepared, penyediaan: the ~ of the fruit for bottling takes a long time, penyediaan buah-buahan utk dibotolkan mengambil masa yg lama; ~ of the ground for planting should be started immediately, penyediaan tapak utk menanam pokok hendaklah dimulakan dgn cepat; in ~, sbg persediaan utk; (of meal) sedang /dimasak, disediakan/: the servants were cleaning the house in ~ for the return of the family, pembantu rumah sedang membersihkan rumah sbg persediaan utk menyambut kepulangan keluarga tersebut;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
vegetablen 1. a plant which is eaten raw or cooked, sayur; (indic variety) sayur-sayuran: ~ oil, minyak sayur; fresh fruits and ~s, buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran segar;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
hail 1 n 1. small pellets of ice, ketulan hujan batu: the ~ has damaged the fruit, ketulan hujan batu telah merosakkan buah-buahan; 2. (shower) hujan batu; (storm) ribut hujan batu; 3. missiles directed against so., hujan: the soldiers were greeted with a ~ of machine-gun bullets, askar-askar itu disambut dgn hujan peluru mesingan; 4. (of abuse, criticism, etc) dihujani: a ~ of insults, dihujani penghinaan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
cropn 1. agricultural produce, tanaman: ~ failure, tanaman tdk menjadi; seasonal ~, tanaman bermusim; 2. harvest, hasil (tanaman): the fruit ~ failed because of bad weather, hasil buah-buahan tdk menjadi krn cuaca buruk; 3. batch, bunch, a. (of people) kumpulan: the 1949 ~ of graduates, kumpulan siswazah tahun 1949; b. (of things, including abstract nouns), [various translations]: this month’s ~ of bills, bil-bil bulan ini; he has an awful ~ of pimples, mukanya penuh dgn jerawat; they told me a ~ of lies, mereka berbohong kpd saya; she has a fine ~ of hair, rambutnya lebat; 4. (handle of) whip, tangkai /cemeti, cambuk/; 5. short whip, cemeti, cambuk; 6. pouch in gullet of bird, tembolok; 7. short haircut, potongan pendek; give so. a close ~, /menggunting, memotong/ pendek rambut sso;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bottlevt 1. put into a bottle, membotolkan: an apparatus for bottling wine, radas utk membotolkan wain; 2. preserve in jar, mengawetkan [sst] dlm balang: to ~ fruits, mengawetkan buah-buahan dlm balang;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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