square | 9. outright, bulat-bulat, mentah-mentah: a ~ denial, penafian bulat-bulat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hook | ~, line and sinker, bulat-bulat: he fell for the story, ~, line and sinker, dia menerima cerita itu bulat-bulat; by ~ or by crook, (colloq) dgn apa cara sekalipun; (get) off the ~, lepas: he likes to blame others so that he can get off the ~, dia suka menyalahkan orang lain supaya dia lepas; how he managed to get off the ~, I really don’t know, bagaimana dia boleh lepas drpd tugas itu, saya pun tdk tahu; /let, get/ so. off the ~, melepaskan sso: I’ll let you off the ~ this time but you’d better watch out in future, kali ini saya lepaskan kamu tetapi masa-masa yg akan datang, jaga-jaga; take, leave /telephone, receiver/ off the ~, membiarkan gagang telefon di tepi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hand | out of ~, without further examination, bulat-bulat: the suggestion was rejected out of ~, cadangan itu ditolak bulat-bulat; take in ~, mengawal, mengawasi: these children are too wild, they should be taken in ~, kanak-kanak ini terlalu liar, mereka patut dikawal; try o’s ~ at, mencuba: he tried his ~ at knitting and found that he was good at it, lelaki itu mencuba mengait dan mendapati bahawa dia dapat melakukannya dgn baik; turn o’s ~ to, a. take up, mula (+ approp v): she turned her ~ to business after failing to get a job, dia mula melibatkan diri dlm perniagaan selepas gagal mendapatkan pekerjaan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
whole | adv without dividing up or chewing, bulat-bulat: the snake can swallow a small chicken ~, ular boleh menelan seekor ayam yg kecil bulat-bulat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
slavish | 2. exact, bulat-bulat; (of translation) perkataan demi perkataan: he walked with his head bent forward in ~ imitation of his elder brother, dia berjalan dgn kepalanya tunduk, bulat-bulat spt abangnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lap 3 | ~ up, a. see vt (sense 1.); b. accept uncritically, believe entirely, menerima bulat-bulat: he simply ~s up praise, dgn mudah dia menerima bulat-bulat pujian; the story was a complete fabrication but the public ~ped it up, cerita itu satu rekaan semata tetapi orang ramai menerimanya bulat-bulat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lap 3 | ~ up, a. see vt (sense 1.); b. accept uncritically, believe entirely, menerima bulat-bulat: he simply ~s up praise, dgn mudah dia menerima bulat-bulat pujian; the story was a complete fabrication but the public ~ped it up, cerita itu satu rekaan semata tetapi orang ramai menerimanya bulat-bulat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
salt | take st with a /pinch, grain/ of ~, sst tdk seharusnya diterima bulat-bulat: the news has to be taken with a pinch of ~, berita itu tdk seharusnya diterima bulat-bulat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
say-so | n (colloq) 1. mere statement without proof, bulat-bulat cakap [sso]: I can’t believe it on just your ~, saya tdk boleh percaya bulat-bulat cakap kamu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
swallow 1 | 2. believe, accept with ready credibility, percaya, terima bulat-bulat: don’t tell me you ~ed that absurd story, jangan beritahu saya kamu percaya bulat-bulat cerita karut itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |