pledge | 3. token, tanda: please accept this as a ~ of our friendship, terimalah ini sbg tanda persahabatan kita; in ~, sbg /cagaran, sandaran/: he left his watch in ~ with the restaurant owner, dia meninggalkan jam tangannya sbg cagaran kpd tuan punya restoran itu; take out of ~, menebus: he was able to take his watch out of ~, dia dapat menebus jamnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
collateral | ~ security, sekuriti /sandaran, cagaran/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
security | 9. st given as guarantee, cagaran, sandaran: he deposited the deeds of the house as ~ for the loan, dia meletakkan surat ikatan hak milik rumah itu sbg sandaran utk pinjaman. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
collateral | n 1. security pledged to lender, cagaran, sandaran; 2. one descended from common ancestor but by different line, saudara sedarah sesisi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deposit | 3. put down as security etc, membayar /wang muka, cengkeram, deposit, cagaran/: to ~ ten thousand dollars on a new house, membayar wang muka sebanyak sepuluh ribu ringgit utk rumah baru; 4. leave lying as sediment, precipitate (act.) melonggokkan, memendapkan; (pass.) terlonggok, termendap: the strong winds ~ed dust over a wide area, angin kencang melonggokkan debu di kawasan yg luas; silt ~ed at the mouth of the river, kelodak yg terlonggok di muara sungai. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
secure | the bank demanded that he ~ the loan by lodging the title deed with them, bank itu menuntut supaya dia menyediakan cagaran bagi pinjaman itu dgn menyerahkan surat ikatan hak milik kpd pihak bank. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lay 1 | ~ st away, (US) reserve st by paying deposit for later purchase, menyimpan sst dgn membayar /cengkeram, cagaran/: she asked the shopkeeper to ~ the dress away for her, dia meminta pekedai itu menyimpan baju tersebut dgn membayar cengkeram; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lay 1 | ~ st away, (US) reserve st by paying deposit for later purchase, menyimpan sst dgn membayar /cengkeram, cagaran/: she asked the shopkeeper to ~ the dress away for her, dia meminta pekedai itu menyimpan baju tersebut dgn membayar cengkeram; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deposit | n 1. money entrusted to a bank etc, deposit, simpanan; 2. money put down as security etc, wang muka, cengkeram, deposit, cagaran; (by candidate in Parliamentary elections) wang (per)taruhan; 3. accumulation of sediments, precipitate, longgokan, mendapan: glacial ~, mendapan glasier; 4. accumulation of mineral ore, coal, lapisan: coal ~s, lapisan-lapisan arang batu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
secure | 4. guarantee, menjamin: this charter ~d the freedom of the individual, piagam itu menjamin kebebasan individu; 5. guarantee loan repayment as by giving security, menyediakan cagaran bagi: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |