celestial | adj 1. of the sky or heavens, samawi, cakerawala: ~ body, jasad cakerawala; ~ sphere, sfera cakerawala; 2. divine, heavenly, firdausi: ~ bliss, kebahagiaan firdausi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
firmament | n (liter.) cakerawala; (classical) jumantara. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
body | ~ and soul, (seluruh) jiwa raga: he flung himself into the project ~ and soul, dia menceburkan diri dlm projek itu dgn seluruh jiwa raganya; heavenly bodies, cakerawala; keep ~ and soul together, menyara hidup: she hardly earns enough to keep ~ and soul together, pendapatannya hampir tdk mencukupi utk menyara hidup; to have ~, (of wine, whisky, etc), (full-bodied) sedap dan berperisa; (strong) kuat perisanya; in a ~, bersama-sama, dlm satu kelompok: they marched to the town hall in a ~, mereka berjalan bersama-sama ke dewan bandaran; over my dead ~, langkah mayatku dulu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sphere | n 1. (geom) sfera; 2. spherical object, objek berbentuk sfera; 3. any heavenly body, sfera; 4. (in ancient astronomy) cakerawala; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
map | n 1. (of part of earth) peta: a ~ of South East Asia, peta Asia Tenggara; a population ~, peta taburan penduduk; sketch ~, peta lakar; 2. (of heavenly bodies) rajah kedudukan cakerawala, peta; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
declare | vt 1. proclaim, mengisytiharkan: a nation-wide strike was ~d, mogok seluruh negara telah diisytiharkan; the government ~d City Day a public holiday, kerajaan mengisytiharkan Hari Wilayah hari cuti am; 2. announce, mengisytiharkan, mengumumkan: the bank ~d a 5% dividend, bank itu mengisytiharkan dividen sebanyak 5%; to ~ the results of an election, mengumumkan keputusan pilihan raya; 3. pronounce, mengesahkan: he was ~d dead on arrival at the hospital, dia disahkan mati semasa sampai di hospital; to ~ so. a lunatic, mengesahkan sso itu gila; 4. state emphatically, menegaskan: he ~d that he was innocent, dia menegaskan bahawa dia tdk bersalah; she ~d that she was tired, dia menegaskan bahawa dia letih; 5. prove, reveal, membuktikan: the heavens ~ the glory of God, adanya cakerawala membuktikan keagungan Tuhan; 6. (taxable property or goods) mengisytiharkan, membuat pengakuan ttg: to ~ o’s assets, mengisytiharkan aset sso; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |