above-mentioned, above-named | adj /dinyatakan, tersebut/ di atas: the ~ candidates, calon-calon yg dinyatakan di atas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
weed | ~ so. out, memotong nama sso: he ~ed out the unsuitable candidates from the list, dia memotong nama calon-calon yg tdk sesuai dr senarai itu; ~ st out, membuang sst: you must ~ out the old clothes, kamu mesti membuang pakaian lama itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
writing | written adj 1. in writing, bertulis: candidates must sit for both the ~ and oral examinations, calon-calon mesti menduduki kedua-dua peperiksaan lisan dan bertulis; he gave his ~ consent to the agreement, dia memberi izin bertulis kpd persetujuan itu; 2. that has been written, ditulis: a well ~ exercise, latihan yg ditulis dgn baik; the address is not clearly ~, alamat itu tdk ditulis dgn jelas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
preference | in ~ to, lebih suka: she always drinks tea in ~ to coffee, dia lebih suka minum teh drpd kopi; in order of ~, mengikut pilihan: number the candidates in order of ~, nomborkan calon-calon mengikut pilihan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
conduct | n 1. behaviour, kelakuan: her ~ at school has improved, kelakuannya di sekolah bertambah baik; 2. way of managing, pengendalian: the candidates were not satisfied with the ~ of the election, calon-calon tdk berpuas hati dgn pengendalian pilihan raya itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
numerically | adv 1. in terms of number, dr segi bilangan: the opposing team was ~ superior, kelebihan pasukan itu ialah dr segi bilangan; 2. according to number, mengikut nombor: the candidates were listed ~, calon-calon itu disenaraikan mengikut nombor; 3. in figures, dlm bentuk angka: write down your birthdate ~, tuliskan tarikh lahir kamu dlm bentuk angka. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
requirement | n keperluan: the sum will meet all our ~s, jumlah itu akan memenuhi segala keperluan kami; he has all the ~s for the post, dia mempunyai segala keperluan utk jawatan itu; candidates must satisfy certain ~s for admission to the university, calon-calon mesti memenuhi keperluan-keperluan tertentu utk masuk ke universiti; tolerance is an essential ~ for a happy marriage, tolak ansur merupakan keperluan asas perkahwinan yg bahagia; a command of language is a necessary ~ for a barrister, penguasaan bahasa ialah keperluan yg amat penting bagi seorang barister. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
outshine | vt 1. shine brighter than, (bersinar) lebih terang drpd; 2. be better than, lebih cemerlang; (used with “can”, “be able to”, “manage” or when modified by adv) approp v /dgn lebih cemerlang, + n yg lebih cemerlang/ drpd: she outshone the other candidates, dia lebih cemerlang drpd calon-calon lain; he was confident his daughter would be able to ~ them all, dia yakin anaknya dapat menunjukkan persembahan yg lebih cemerlang drpd persembahan mereka or dapat bermain dgn lebih cemerlang drpd mereka. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
prospect | salesman, he could spot a good ~ when he saw one, sebagai seorang jurujual yg berpengalaman, dia dapat mengenal bakal pembeli apabila bersua dengannya; b. very likely candidate, calon: there seemed to be several excellent ~s among the applicants, nampaknya ada beberapa orang calon yg baik antara pemohon itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
eligible | ~ bachelor, calon suami idaman. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |