solely | adv only, entirely, semata-mata: he had to rely ~ on himself, dia terpaksa bergantung pd dirinya semata-mata; our creations were judged ~ on artistic merit, ciptaan-ciptaan kami diadili berdasarkan pd nilai seninya semata-mata. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
invent | n 1. new creation, ciptaan, rekaan: the vacuum cleaner was a useful ~, pembersih vakum ialah ciptaan yg amat berguna; 2. st made up, rekaan: the story is pure ~; don’t believe a word of it!, cerita itu rekaannya semata-mata; jangan percaya sepatah pun kata-katanya!; 3. act of inventing, penciptaan, terciptanya, mencipta, merekacipta, mereka: the ~ of the motor car revolutionized transport, penciptaan kereta telah merevolusikan pengangkutan; a gadget of his own ~, alat yg diciptanya sendiri; 4. talent for inventing things, daya cipta. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
work of art | 2. anything done to a high standard or with great skill, ciptaan seni: his poem was a ~, puisinya merupakan suatu ciptaan seni. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
facilitate | vt memudahkan: there are many new appliances to ~ housework, banyak alat baru yg memudahkan kerja-kerja rumah; the new medical inventions that ~ a patient’s recovery, ciptaan perubatan yg baru yg memudahkan pemulihan pesakit. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
considered | adj (of person) dihormati; (of person’s work etc) dipandang tinggi: a highly ~ statesman, negarawan yg sangat dihormati; her ceramic creations are well ~ both at home and abroad, ciptaan seramiknya dipandang tinggi di dalam dan di luar negeri; all things ~, pd keseluruhannya: all things ~, the fete was a success, pd keseluruhannya, jualan bazar itu berjaya; be o’s ~ opinion, setelah berfikir dalam-dalam sso berpendapat: it is my ~ opinion that you should retire from politics, setelah berfikir dalam-dalam, saya berpendapat kamu patut bersara drpd politik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sliced | adj dihiris; ~ bread, roti hiris; the /best, greatest/ thing since ~ bread, approp n + yg paling menakjubkan: non-stick saucepans are the greatest thing since ~ bread, periuk tak melekat ialah ciptaan yg paling menakjubkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ascribe | adj; be ~ to, a. may be considered to be the result of, dapat dianggap sbg /berpunca drpd, disebabkan oleh/; b. may be considered to be the work of, dapat dianggap sbg /ciptaan, karya/; c. may be considered to originate from, dapat dianggap (sbg) berasal /dr, drpd/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ascription | vt; ~ st to, a. consider st to be the result of, menganggap [sst] sbg /berpunca drpd, disebabkan oleh/: he ~d his success to hard work, dia menganggap kejayaannya sbg berpunca drpd usahanya yg sungguh-sungguh; b. believe st to be the work of, menganggap [sst] sbg /ciptaan, karya/: this poem has been ~d to Chaucer, sajak ini dianggap sbg ciptaan Chaucer; c. attribute st to specific origin, period, etc, menganggap [sst] berasal /dr, drpd/: the alphabet is generally ~d to the Phoenicians, abjad pd umumnya dianggap berasal drpd orang Phoenecia; an invention that is variously ~d to the sixth and the ninth centuries, sebuah rekaan yg oleh setengah-setengah orang dianggap berasal dr kurun yg keenam atau dr kurun yg kesembilan; d. assign an attribute of, /menganggap, mengatakan/ [sst] sbg sifat [sso dll]: he ~d beauty to youth, dia menganggap kecantikan sbg sifat keremajaan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
creation | n 1. act of, a. (bringing into existence) penciptaan: the ~ of heaven and earth, penciptaan langit dan bumi; the ~ of a great picture, penciptaan sebuah lukisan yg unggul; b. (setting up, bringing forth) pewujudan, mewujudkan; (department, organization, etc) penubuhan, pewujudan: they decided on the ~ of three new posts, mereka memutuskan utk mewujudkan tiga jawatan baru; c. (causing, bringing about) menimbulkan; d. (investing with rank) pelantikan; 2. result of creative process, ciptaan: the latest ~s from Tokyo, ciptaan terbaru dr Tokyo; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
coinage | n 1. act of making coins, pencetakan duit syiling; 2. coins collectively, duit syiling; 3. invention of word etc, penciptaan, dicipta: a word of recent ~, kata yg mutakhir dicipta; 4. an invented word etc, kata ciptaan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |