adducible, adduceable | adj dapat /dikemukakan, diutarakan, diajukan/: ~ examples, contoh-contoh yg dapat dikemukakan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
foregoing | adj di atas, sebelum ini: the ~ examples illustrate the usage of this word, contoh-contoh sebelum ini menunjukkan penggunaan perkataan ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
archaic | n 1. ancient, kuno, purbakala: examples of ~ Egyptian art, contoh-contoh seni kuno Mesir; 2. antiquated, ketinggalan zaman: his attitude towards women is positively ~, sikapnya thdp wanita betul-betul ketinggalan zaman; 3. (of words, vocabulary, etc) kuno. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
transcription | 2. st transcribed, transkripsi, salinan: specimens of the Yorkshire dialect in phonetic ~, contoh-contoh dialek Yorkshire dlm transkripsi fonetik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
accumulation | n 1. amassing, a. (of wealth, fortune, works of art, etc) pengumpulan, penghimpunan: the ~ of a representative collection of the artist’s work, pengumpulan contoh-contoh karya pelukis itu; b. (of knowledge, experience) penampungan, pengumpulan; c. (of debts) terhimpunnya; 2. collecting, gathering, pengumpulan: the ~ of examples of errors in the use of language, pengumpulan contoh-contoh penyalahgunaan bahasa; 3. growing into a heap or large amount, bertimbunnya: the steady ~ of silt at the river mouth, bertimbunnya kelodak secara berterusan di muara sungai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pattern | 4. example by person or thing deserving of imitation, contoh, teladan: the Benson orientation course set a ~ which other departments followed, kursus orientasi Benson menjadi contoh yg diikuti oleh jabatan-jabatan lain; Mother Theresa is a ~ of humility and charity, Mother Theresa ialah contoh orang yg rendah hati dan penuh belas ihsan; 5.sample piece of material like carpet, linoleum, etc, contoh, sampel: a booklet containing the latest ~s of silks, sebuah buku kecil yg mengandungi contoh-contoh kain sutera yg terbaru; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
model | adj exemplary, contoh: a ~ teacher, guru contoh; ~ farm, ladang contoh; a ~ hospital, hospital contoh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
generalize | vi 1. draw a conclusion etc after considering a small body of facts, membuat /anggapan umum, generalisasi/: I don’t think you can ~ from so few examples, saya rasa saudara tdk boleh membuat anggapan umum berdasarkan contoh-contoh yg terlalu sedikit itu; 2. make vague indefinite statements, talk in general terms, membuat generalisasi: he is always generalizing and avoids dealing with details, dia selalu membuat generalisasi dan mengelak drpd membincangkan perincian; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
example | n 1. typical specimen or instance, contoh: this is a fine ~ of Renaissance art, ini ialah satu contoh seni zaman Renaissance yg baik; 2. fact or thing illustrating general rule, contoh: this dictionary gives many ~s, kamus ini memberikan contoh yg banyak; 3. a. person who is worthy of being copied, contoh: a diligent worker, he was an ~ to the rest of the employee’s, seorang pekerja yg rajin dia menjadi contoh kpd pekerja-pekerja lain, b. behaviour, quality that is worthy of being copied, teladan, contoh: their courage in the face of the enemy should be an ~ to us all, keberanian mereka menghadapi musuh sepatutnya menjadi teladan bagi kita semua; 4. warning, teladan, peringatan: let his fate be an ~ to you, biarlah nasibnya menjadi teladan kpd kamu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
specimen | 2. sample handwriting, book, etc, contoh: this card bears a ~ signature, kad ini mempunyai contoh tandatangan; the printer has sent some ~ pages which show the format of the dictionary, pencetak telah menghantar beberapa muka surat contoh yg menunjukkan format kamus itu; the house is a fine ~ of Georgian architecture, rumah itu ialah contoh baik seni bina zaman George; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |