scrape | ~ /in, into/, cukup-cukup utk melayakkan: she ~d into college with minimum qualifications, kelulusannya yg minimum itu cukup-cukup utk melayakkannya masuk kolej tersebut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
proper | adv; good and~, cukup-cukup: he was beaten good and ~, dia dibelasah cukup-cukup. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
proper | 4. (colloq), (of st unpleasant) thorough, cukup-cukup; (ref to feeling) cukup: he got a ~ lecture from his father, dia kena marah cukup-cukup oleh ayahnya; she felt a ~ fool, dia berasa cukup bodoh; 5. natural, characteristic, wajar: she enjoyed all the privileges ~ to a private secretary, dia menikmati semua kemudahan yg wajar bagi seorang setiausaha sulit; the festivities ~ to Christmas, perayaan yg wajar utk Hari Krismas; 6.well-behaved, tertib: he seems to be a very ~ young man, nampaknya dia seorang pemuda yg sangat tertib; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
squeeze | ~ through, a. see vi;, b. only just able to pass,, lulus cukup-cukup sahaja: his sister did very well in the exam, but he only managed to ~ through,, adiknya lulus dgn cemerlang dlm peperiksaan itu, tetapi dia hanya lulus cukup-cukup sahaja; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
properly | adv 1. correctly, dgn betul: the teacher didn’t explain it to them ~, guru itu tdk menjelaskan pd mereka dgn betul; 2. (colloq) thoroughly, cukup-cukup: he was ~ scolded by the headmaster, dia dimarahi cukup-cukup oleh guru besar; 3. decently, dgn tertib: he behaved most ~ in the circumstances, dia berkelakuan dgn amat tertib dlm keadaan itu; 4. actually, exactly, sebenarnya: I’m not, ~ speaking, a trained teacher, but I’ve been teaching for three years now, saya sebenarnya bukanlah guru yg terlatih, tetapi saya telah mengajar selama tiga tahun sekarang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
slice | ~ off, memotong: just ~ off enough beef for lunch, potong daging itu cukup-cukup utk makan tengah hari; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
barely | adv 1. only just, baru (sahaja): he had ~ sat down when the telephone rang, dia baru sahaja duduk apabila telefon itu berdering; he died when he was ~ thirty, dia meninggal dunia sewaktu baru berusia 30 tahun; ~ enough, cukup-cukup (sahaja): there is ~ enough food for a week, bekalan makanan cukup-cukup sahaja utk seminggu; there is ~ enough time to get to the airport, masa cukup-cukup sahaja utk sampai ke lapangan terbang; 2. hardly, scarcely, hampir tdk: the old man was so shocked that he could ~ speak, orang tua itu begitu terkejut sehingga hampir tdk dapat berkata-kata; the room was ~ furnished, bilik itu hampir tdk ada perabotnya; ~ alive, hampir-hampir mati, tinggal nyawa-nyawa ikan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
just | d. barely, [various translations]: we’ve ~ about enough petrol to get home, minyak kita cukup-cukup utk sampai ke rumah; I was ~ about able to understand, saya hampir-hampir tdk mengerti; ~ about enough of, sudah tdk tahan (lagi): I’ve had ~ about enough of your whining, saya sudah tdk tahan lagi mendengar rengekmu; ~ /after, before/, (in relation to time), [various translations]: ~ after the eight o’clock news, sejurus selepas berita pukul lapan; he died ~ after the war, dia meninggal dunia tdk lama selepas perang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
going-over | give so. a ~, (sl) melanyak sso: his assailants really gave him a ~, orang-orang yg menyerangnya melanyak dia cukup-cukup. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
good | ~ and ..., (colloq), /benar-benar, betul-betul/ ...: I won’t go before I’m ~ and ready, saya tak akan pergi sehingga saya betul-betul bersedia; ~ and early, awal-awal; ~ and proper, (colloq) cukup-cukup: when he caught the guard sleeping he really gave it to him ~ and proper, apabila dia mendapati pengawal itu tidur dia memarahinya cukup-cukup; ~ for, (fml) a. (of person) able to survive for, boleh hidup: he thought his grandmother was ~ for another ten years at least, dia fikir neneknya boleh hidup sekurang-kurangnya sepuluh tahun lagi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |