measure | give so. short ~, tipu dacing: he suspects that the shopkeeper always gives him short ~, dia mengesyaki pekedai itu selalu tipu dacing terhadapnya; in /great, some, etc/ ~, [various translations]: he felt in some ~ responsib | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
steelyard | n dacing. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
scale 2 | n 1. (in pl) weighing machine, penimbang, alat timbang; 2. either of two pans on a balance, dacing, neraca; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
accurate | adj tepat; (of person) approp + dgn tepat: his aim was ~, bidikannya tepat; an ~ estimate of expenses, anggaran perbelanjaan yg tepat; ~ scales, dacing yg tepat; a quick and ~ typist, jurutaip yg menaip dgn cepat dan tepat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beam | n 1. horizontal structural support, a. (of floor) rasuk; b. (of roof) alang (bumbung); c. (of bridge) galang (jambatan); d. (in ship) pelancar; 2. cylindrical roller in loom, gelendong, kumparan; 3. main timber of plough, kayu /bajak, tenggala/; 4. bar of balance, batang (dacing); 5. breadth of ship, lebar kapal, lebar(nya); 6. ray, column (of light) pancaran, sinaran, sorotan: a ~ of light, pancaran cahaya; to lower the ~ of the headlights, merendahkan pancaran lampu besar (kereta); high ~, /suluh, sinar/ tinggi; /suluh, sinar/ rendah; 7. radio signal, alur radio; 8. radiant smile, senyum(an) yg berseri-seri; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
check | vt 1. stop movement of, menahan, menyekat: the enemy’s advance has been ~ed, kemaraan pihak musuh telah disekat; 2. control, mengawal; (tears) menahan: to ~ inflation, mengawal inflasi; she was not able to ~ her tears, dia tdk dapat menahan air matanya; 3. test for accuracy etc, menyemak: to ~ my answer against his, menyemak jawapan saya berdasarkan jawapannya; 4. inspect, examine, memeriksa: the doctor ~ed his blood pressure, doktor memeriksa tekanan darahnya; the official ~ed all the weights, pegawai itu memeriksa semua anak dacing; 5. reduce, mengurangkan: he ~ed his speed when he saw the police car, dia mengurangkan kelajuannya apabila terlihat kereta polis; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |