pretext | n helah, dalih: what possible ~ can we give for refusing the invitation?, apakah dalih yg boleh kita berikan utk menolak jemputan itu?; he entered the premises on the ~ of inspecting the air conditioner, dia masuk ke premis itu dgn helah utk memeriksa alat pendingin udara. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
prevarication | n dalih, cakap putar belit: stop all this ~ and give me a straight answer, hentikan semua cakap putar belit ini dan beri saya jawapan yg terus-terang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ploy | n trick, tactic , helah, dalih: that was a clever ~ to weaken support for the union, itu ialah satu helah yg licik utk melemahkan sokongan thdp pihak kesatuan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cook | ~ st up, (colloq) mereka(-reka) sst: you’ll have to ~ up some excuse, kamu terpaksa mereka dalih; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
alibi | n 1. (leg.) alibi: to prove an ~, membuktikan alibi; 2. (colloq) excuse, alasan, dalih. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pretence, (US) pretense | 3. make-believe, pura-pura: he makes a ~ of studying when someone comes into the room, dia berpura-pura belajar apabila ada orang masuk ke bilik itu; 4. pretext, dalih: he was able to put together quite a sum under the ~ of collecting for charity, dia berjaya memperoleh wang yg banyak dgn dalih utk mengutip derma; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
evasion | n 1. act of avoiding, pengelakan, mengelak drpd, mengelakkan diri drpd: ~ of income tax is a serious offence, pengelakan cukai pendapatan ialah kesalahan yg serius; 2. evasive statement, excuse, dalih: his answer to my question was only an ~, jawapannya kpd pertanyaan saya hanya merupakan satu dalih. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
invalid 1 | adj 1. having no legal force, tak sah: the will was declared ~, wasiat itu diisytiharkan tak sah; an ~ document, dokumen yg tak sah; the marriage was found to be ~, perkahwinan itu didapati tak sah; 2. (of argument, result, etc) not logically consistent or acceptable, tdk /logik, munasabah, masuk akal/: an ~ argument, hujah yg tdk logik; ~ excuses, dalih yg tdk munasabah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inveigle | vt 1. create, design st new, mencipta, mereka; (tech) merekacipta, mencipta, mereka: we had to ~ new words to describe these processes, kami terpaksa mencipta perkataan-perkataan baru utk menerangkan proses-proses tersebut; what did we do before the wireless was ~ed?, apa yg kita buat sebelum wayarles dicipta?; to ~ a mechanical tapping knife, merekacipta alat penoreh getah mekanikal; 2. make up, membuat-buat, mereka(-reka); (story) membuat-buat, mereka(-reka), mengarang: he ~ed some excuse to explain his absence, dia membuat-buat dalih utk menerangkan mengapa dia tdk hadir; stop ~ing stories about your neighbours!, jangan lagi mereka-reka cerita ttg jiran kamu!. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |