from | prep 1. (indic point of departure) dari: the train for Rome leaves ~ Paris, kereta api ke Rom berlepas dari Paris; he came ~ home, dia datang dari rumah; the nest fell ~ the tree, sarang burung itu jatuh dari pokok; 2. (indic source, place of origin), dari; (if “source” is person) daripada: he comes ~ Germany, dia datang dari Jerman; he drew water ~ the well, dia mengambil air dari perigi; you cannot draw conclusions ~ such evidence, kamu tdk dapat mengambil kesimpulan drpd keterangan begitu; the suggestion came ~ Hafiz, usul itu datang daripada Hafiz; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
off | prep 1. a. down from, dari: the picture fell ~ the wall, gambar itu terjatuh dari dinding; a button came ~ his shirt, butang tertanggal dari kemejanya; she got ~ the bus at High Street, dia turun dari bas di High Street; b. away from, from, dari; (person) daripada; (indic movement out of one place into another) keluar dr: the shot was well ~ the mark, tembakan itu terbabas dari sasaran; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
from | 3. (indic material out of which st is made) daripada: custard is made ~ eggs and milk, kastard dibuat daripada telur dan susu; paper is made ~ wood pulp, kertas dibuat daripada kayu palpa; 4. (indic point or position from which st is seen) dari: they could see the sea ~ the top of the hill, mereka dapat melihat laut dari atas bukit itu; ~ his point of view, the action was reasonable, dari sudut pandangannya, tindakan itu adalah berpatutan; it is difficult to tell ~ the air how much damage has been done, sukar utk menentukan dari udara berapa besar kerosakan yg telah berlaku; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
off | she pulled the ring ~ his finger, dia mencabut cincin dari jari lelaki itu; to take the curtain ~ the hooks, menanggalkan langsir dari cangkuk; he cut several slices ~ the meat loaf, dia memotong beberapa keping dari buku daging itu; she borrowed twenty dollars ~ me, dia meminjam dua puluh ringgit daripada saya; the robbers turned ~ the main road into a side lane, perompak-perompak itu membelok keluar dr jalan besar masuk ke jalan tepi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
than | prep daripada: I’m older ~ her, saya lebih tua daripadanya; they were more annoyed ~ worried about her, mereka lebih berasa marah kepadanya daripada runsing ttg dia; he drove at more ~ 70 kph, dia memandu pd kelajuan lebih dari | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
out | a hut built ~ of palm leaves, pondok yg dibuat daripada daun nipah; I managed to get the information ~ of him, saya dapat mencungkil maklumat itu daripadanya; you won’t get any sympathy ~ of her, kamu tdk akan mendapat simpati daripadanya; k. (indic the use of particular sum of money to pay for st) dari: he paid for the furniture of his house ~ of the school fund, dia membayar perabot rumahnya dari tabung sekolah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |