aboard | prep 1. in or on, di, di atas: passengers ~ the Titanic, penumpang-penumpang di kapal Titanic; 2. onto or into, ke, ke atas, ke dlm: to haul the crate ~ the boat, menarik peti kayu itu ke atas kapal; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
above | adv 1. at a higher point, di (sebelah) atas: the branches ~, dahan-dahan di sebelah atas; from ~, dari atas: seen from ~, dilihat dari atas; 2. to a higher point, ke atas; 3. on a higher floor, di atas, di tingkat atas: there are three bedrooms ~, ada tiga buah bilik tidur di atas; 4. to a higher floor, ke atas, ke tingkat atas: a stairway that leads ~, tangga yg menuju ke atas; 5. in the sky, di langit: the moon ~, bulan di langit; 6. (of sky, ceiling, etc), [not translated]: the blue sky ~, langit biru; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
over | prep 1. (indic position) a. directly above, di atas: the aeroplane flew ~ the clouds, kapal terbang itu terbang di atas awan; a lamp hung ~ the kitchen table, sebuah lampu tergantung di atas meja dapur; the first floor of the building juts out ~ the pavement, tingkat pertama bangunan itu menganjur di atas lorong jalan kaki; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
above | prep 1. at a place etc higher than, di atas: he lived in a room ~ the shop, dia tinggal di sebuah bilik di atas kedai; to fly ~ the clouds, terbang di atas awan; 2. to a place etc higher than, melewati, melampaui: the flood waters have risen ~ the steps, air bah telah naik melewati tangga; 3. more than, lebih drpd: ~ freezing point, lebih drpd takat beku; her car costs ~ M$15,000, keretanya berharga lebih drpd M$15, 000; to be ~ twenty-one in age, berusia lebih drpd dua puluh satu tahun; to value honour ~ wealth, menghargai maruah lebih drpd kekayaan; 4. too honourable to stoop to (st) bukanlah orangnya utk: he is ~ telling lies, dia bukanlah orangnya utk berbohong; be not ~, sanggup: I am not ~ doing what is necessary, saya sanggup melakukan apa yg perlu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
overhang | vt 1. project over, menganjur di atas: tall trees ~ the road, pokok-pokok tinggi menganjur di atas jalan itu; a rocky ledge ~s the bend of the river, belebas batu menganjur di atas selekoh sungai itu; 2. hanging down the side of, berjuntai di: bougainvillaea ~ing the garden wall, pokok bunga kertas yg berjuntai di dinding taman itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
on | prep 1. in contact with or supported by horizontal surface, di (atas); (to specifically say that st is on top of st else) di atas; (the beach) di; (o’s back) di: the books were scattered ~ the floor, buku-buku itu berselerak di (atas) lantai; he sat ~ the bench, engrossed in his book, dia duduk di (atas) bangku, asyik membaca bukunya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
top1 | on ~ of, a. above or over st, di atas: put your coat on ~ of the luggage so that it is not forgotten, letakkan kot kamu di atas beg pakaian itu supaya kamu tdk lupa; they stood on ~ of the cliff watching the fleet pass, mereka berdiri di atas cenuram itu sambil memperhatikan angkatan kapal tentera laut berlalu; b. i. besides, in addition to, di samping, selain: on ~ of his large salary, he gets a commission on everything he sells, di samping gajinya yg besar, dia juga mendapat komisen utk setiap barang yg dapat dijualnya; ii. coming after and adding to something’s effect on so., sbg tokokan: this request, on ~ of all the others he has made, is the last straw, permintaannya ini, sbg tokokan kpd permintaannya yg lain, sudah keterlaluan sangat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
top1 | 2. furnish or provide with a top, approp v + [n] di atas; (of inanimate things) terletak di + approp n: she ~ped the cake with a thick layer of icing, dia membubuh aising yg tebal di atas kek itu; he ~ped the puppet with a fair, curly wig, dia memasang rambut palsu yg putih serta ikal di atas kepala anak patung itu; a thatched roof ~ped the cottage, atap jerami dipasangkan di atas bumbung rumah itu; a silver star ~ped the Christmas tree, bintang perak terletak di pucuk pokok Krismas itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
uphill | adj 1. situated on elevated ground, di atas bukit: an ~ city, kota di atas bukit; 2. going up, ascending, /mendaki, menaiki/ bukit: the long ~ road exhausted the cyclist, jalan yg jauh dan mendaki bukit meletihkan penunggang basikal itu; 3. laborious, sukar: an ~ task that takes years, tugas yg sukar dan mengambil masa bertahun-tahun; the ~ struggle for their rights, perjuangan yg sukar dlm mendapatkan hak-hak mereka; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
over | adv 1. above, di atas: an aeroplane flew ~ as he walked across the field, sebuah kapal terbang terbang di atas semasa dia berjalan menyeberangi padang itu; 2. everywhere in the world, di seluruh: children the world ~ know who Mickey Mouse is, kanak-kanak di seluruh dunia tahu siapa Mickey Mouse; 3. (indic that so. is looking in a particular direction or at a particular thing or person) ke arah: he glanced ~ at the open door, dia memandang sekilas lalu ke arah pintu yg terbuka itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |