din | vt instil by insistent repetition, mengasak, memantakkan: ever since they were small their father had ~ned into them the importance of hard work, sejak kecil lagi bapa mereka telah mengasak ke dlm kepala mereka ttg pentingnya bekerja keras. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
din | vi resound, terngiang-ngiang, terdengar-dengar: the cries of the child were still ~ning in his ears, jeritan kanak-kanak itu masih terngiang-ngiang di telinganya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
din | n loud noise, bunyi bising: there was such a ~ that I could not hear what he was saying, terdapat bunyi bising yg begitu kuat sehingga saya tdk terdengar apa yg dikatakannya; /make, kick up a/ ~, membuat bising; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
above | 7. louder than (other sound, noise) dalam: a shot was heard ~ the din, dalam bunyi bising itu kedengaran sedas tembakan; 8. higher than, lebih tinggi drpd: I can’t go ~ B flat, saya tdk dapat bernyanyi lebih tinggi drpd nada B flet; 9. Further north than, di sebelah utara: a town situated forty-eight kilometres ~ Kuala Lumpur, sebuah bandar yg terletak empat puluh lapan kilometer di sebelah utara Kuala Lumpur; 10. upstream from, di sebelah hulu: the rapids are ~ the bridge, terdapat jeram di sebelah hulu jambatan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
noise | n 1. sound, bunyi: I heard a ~ downstairs, saya dengar ada bunyi di tingkat bawah; a banging ~, bunyi dentuman; the car engine is making odd ~s, enjin kereta itu mengeluarkan bunyi yg ganjil; 2. din, clamour, bunyi bising: we went for a holiday in the countryside to get away from the ~ and pollution, kami pergi bercuti di desa utk mengelakkan bunyi bising dan pencemaran udara; 3. (electr) hingar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |