expense | at so’s ~, a. paid by so., dgn belanja sso: he dines at expensive restaurants at the company’s ~, dia makan di restoran-restoran mewah dgn belanja syarikat itu; b. in order to laugh at, scorn etc so., mempersendakan sso: they had a good laugh at my ~, mereka ketawa puas-puas mempersendakan saya; at the ~ of st, sehingga /menjejaskan, [sst] terjejas/: he worked very hard for the next two years at the ~ of his health, dia bekerja bersungguh-sungguh pd dua tahun berikutannya sehingga menjejaskan kesihatannya; go to great ~, spend a lot of money, membelanjakan wang yg banyak; spare no ~, membelanjakan wang yg banyak: she spared no ~ to ensure that her guests had a marvellous time, dia membelanjakan wang yg banyak utk memastikan tetamu-tetamunya amat seronok. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |