give | has been set for July, telah diumumkan bahawa pilihan raya kecil itu ditetapkan pd bulan Julai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
advertised | adj 1. publicised (of product, service, etc) diiklankan: a widely ~ brand of coffee, jenama kopi yg diiklankan dgn meluas; 2. announced, (telah) diumumkan: the match started an hour later than the ~ time, perlawanan itu bermula sejam lewat drpd waktu yg telah diumumkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
voting | n pengundian, pembuangan undi: the result of the ~ will be announced soon, keputusan pengundian akan diumumkan tdk lama lagi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
post 1 | b. publicize by means of a poster etc displayed publicly, mengumumkan [sst] melalui poster: the ship, Island Queen, has been ~ed missing, kapal Island Queen telah diumumkan hilang melalui poster; the names of the successful candidates will be ~ed on the notice board, nama-nama calon yg berjaya akan diumumkan melalui poster yg ditampal pd papan kenyataan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
rejoice | vi berasa girang: they ~d when the good news was announced, mereka berasa girang sewaktu berita baik itu diumumkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
unsafe | adj 1. not safe, exposed to danger, tdk selamat: the bridge was declared to be ~, jambatan itu diumumkan sbg tdk selamat; he felt very ~ riding the motorbike, dia berasa tdk selamat menunggang motorsikal; it would be ~ for you to go into a factory site without a helmet, memang tdk selamat bagi kamu utk masuk ke kawasan kilang tanpa memakai topi keledar; 2. capable of being turned around, questioned, boleh /dipertikaikan, dipersoalkan/: the argument is based on ~ facts, hujah itu berdasarkan fakta-fakta yg boleh dipertikaikan; the judge felt that the jury’s verdict was ~, hakim berasa bahawa keputusan juri itu boleh dipertikaikan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ear1 | be all ~s, memasang telinga: he was all ~s when the winners’ names were announced, dia memasang telinga apabila nama pemenang-pemenang diumumkan; come to so’s ~s, sso /mendengar khabar, mendapat tahu, dengar(-dengar)/: it has come to my ~s that you have resigned, saya mendengar khabar saudara telah meletakkan jawatan; fall on deaf ~s, tdk /diendahkan, dipedulikan, dihiraukan/: my advice fell on deaf ~s, nasihat saya tdk diendahkan; go in (at) one ~ and out (at) the other, masuk telinga kanan, keluar telinga kiri; have a /good, bad/ ~ for music, /tahu, faham/ muzik;have no ~ for music, /tdk tahu mendengar, tdk faham ttg/ muzik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
half-mast | n; (fly) at ~, dikibarkan /separuh, setengah/tiang: flags were flown at ~ when news of the king’s death was made known, bendera dikibarkan setengah tiang apabila berita kemangkatan raja itu diumumkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sweat | ~ it out, (colloq) persevere, suffer, wait anxiously until st ends or happens, bersabar: the results won’t be announced until midnight. You’ll just have to ~ it out, keputusan itu hanya akan diumumkan pd pukul dua belas malam. Kamu terpaksalah bersabar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
on | e. (specifying medium through which st is heard, broadcast, produced, etc) di, melalui; (if medium is the television) di; (if medium is the stage) di (atas): it was announced ~ the radio that..., diumumkan melalui radio bahawa...; I just spoke to her ~ the telephone, saya baru saja bercakap dengannya melalui telefon; have you seen that man ~ television?, pernahkah kamu melihat lelaki itu di televisyen?; your costume will look splendid ~ stage, kostum saudari akan kelihatan sungguh cantik di pentas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |