ash2 | lay in ~es, /hangus, musnah/ dijilat api; rake over the /~es, coals/, (colloq) /mengungkit, membangkit-bangkitkan/ hal lama; rise from the ~es, (fig.) bangun semula. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
stitch | in ~es, ketawa terbahak-bahak: everyone was in ~es by the time the comedian left the stage, sampai pelawak itu meninggalkan pentas pun, semua orang masih ketawa terbahak-bahak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
snatch | 3. brief period of time, sekejap-sekejap: I managed to catch ~es of sleep on the plane, saya dapat tidur sekejap-sekejap dlm kapal terbang; in ~es, sekejap-sekejap: to read in ~es, membaca sekejap-sekejap; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blotch | n 1. irregular spot, mark, tompok: there were red ~es on her skin, terdapat tompok-tompok merah pd kulitnya; ~es of ink on the wall, tompok-tompok dakwat pd dinding; 2. discoloured patch on skin, belak, capuk; /full of, covered with/ ~es, berbelak-belak, bercapuk-capuk. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bunch | wear o’s hair in ~es, mengikat dua rambutnya: the little girl wore her hair in ~es, budak itu mengikat dua rambutnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
punch 1 | pull o’s ~es, restrain os from attacking as hard as one is able, a. (physically) tdk menumbuk sekuat yg mampu: he began to pull his ~es halfway through the bout, dia mula tdk menumbuk sekuat yg mampu pd pertengahan pertandingan itu; b. (verbally), (usu in negative form), (colloq) bercakap baik-baik: why should I pull my ~es when I have been so unfairly criticized, mengapa harus saya bercakap baik-baik sedangkan saya dikritik dgn begitu tdk adil; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
six | at ~es and sevens, (colloq) a. in disorder, kelam-kabut: my secretary is on holiday and my office is at ~es and sevens, setiausaha saya sedang bercuti, dan pejabat saya sekarang kelam-kabut; b. undecided, confused, bingung; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
go | 7. be expressed, a. (of song) berbunyi: the song ~es like this, lagu itu berbunyi begini; b. (of story) mengikut, menurut: he was the black sheep of the family, so the story ~es, menurut cerita dia kambing hitam dlm keluarganya; 8. lead in the direction of, menuju, menghala: this road ~es to the town centre, jalan ini menuju ke pusat bandar; 9. disappear, hilang; (of hope) lenyap: my headache has ~ne, sakit kepala saya sudah hilang; 10. be used up, habis: our food reserves are ~ne, bekalan makanan kita sudah habis; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
reach | 4. extend as far as, sampai ke: his land ~es the river, tanahnya sampai ke sungai itu; boots that ~ the knees, but yg sampai ke lutut; the boy already ~es his father’s shoulder, budak itu sudah tinggi sampai ke bahu bapanya; 5. attain, mencapai, sampai: he had ~ed the age of fifty, dia telah mencapai umur lima puluh tahun; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
arched | adj 1. consisting of, formed into arch (es), lengkung; (of window) gerbang, lengkung: an ~ doorway, pintu lengkung; an ~ ceiling, siling lengkung; 2. furnished with arch(es), bergerbang: an ~ cloister, serambi gereja yg bergerbang; 3. curved, a. (of nose) bengkok; b. (of eyebrows) melengkung; (purposely) terangkat; c. (of body, back, foot, instep) melengkung. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |