estate | n 1. a. piece of land in the country with a large house on it and one owner, estet: he owns an ~ near Leeds, dia memiliki estet berhampiran dgn Leeds; b. (UK) large area of land on which factories, houses, etc are built, kawasan: the Senawang Industrial E~, Kawasan Perindustrian Senawang; a housing ~, kawasan perumahan; 2. (leg.) a. all the money and property left behind by a deceased person, harta pusaka; b. all the money and property belonging to a living person, estet; 3. plantation, ladang; 4. (fml & old-fashioned) standing, kedudukan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
present1 | 3. current, kini, sekarang ini: no one knows the ~ value of the estate, tidak ada sesiapa pun yg mengetahui berapa nilai estet itu sekarang ini; 4. (gram.) kini: ~ participle, partisipel kini; ~ tense, kala kini; 5. imagined, remembered, terbayang-bayang dlm ingatan: the tragic death of her parents is still ~ in her mind, kematian kedua-dua ibu bapanya yg amat menyedihkan itu masih terbayang-bayang dlm ingatannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
scare | adj menakutkan: there is a ~ story going about that there is a prowler on the estate, ada cerita yg menakutkan sedang tersebar ttg orang yg merayau-rayau di estet itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
market | come /onto, on/ the ~, dipasarkan: many modern farming gadgets have come onto the ~, banyak alat pertanian moden yg dipasarkan; our estate will come on the ~ soon, estet kami akan dipasarkan tdk lama lagi; flood the ~, membanji | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
retain | vt 1. (fml) keep (st) back, mengekalkan: the original owner ~ed only a small part of the once vast estate, pemilik asalnya mengekalkan hanya sebahagian kecil drpd estet yg pd satu masa dulu begitu luas; 2. avoid losing, mengekalkan; (balance etc) mengawal: the Liberal Party ~ed the seat after the election, Parti Liberal mengekalkan kerusinya selepas pilihan raya itu; the champion ~ed the title, juara itu mengekalkan gelarannya; the material does not ~ its shape, bahan itu tdk mengekalkan bentuknya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
size 1 | be the ~ of, sebesar: the lump on his head was the ~ of a tennis-ball, benjol di kepalanya sebesar bola tenis; 2. bigness, besarnya: the ~ of his estate surprised everyone, besarnya estet dia memeranjatkan setiap orang; I hope he realizes the ~ of the task ahead of him, saya harap dia sedar betapa besarnya tugas yg dihadapinya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
demand | vt 1. ask for with great insistence, mendesak (+ approp v); (for what one believes to be o’s rights) menuntut; (in requests in the first person) mahu, hendak: she ~ed that she be told what really happened, dia mendesak supaya dia diberitahu apa yg sebenarnya berlaku; the teacher ~ed an explanation, guru itu mendesak supaya dia diberi penjelasan; the estate workers have been ~ing better working conditions, pekerja estet menuntut suasana kerja yg lebih baik; I ~ to see the supervisor, saya hendak berjumpa dgn penyelia; 2. require, memerlukan: this post ~s a knowledge of several languages, jawatan ini memerlukan pengetahuan beberapa bahasa; this matter ~s the committee’s urgent attention, perkara ini memerlukan perhatian yg segera jawatankuasa itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |