merriment | n 1. mirth, gelak ketawa: the clown’s antics caused much ~, telatah badut itu menimbulkan gelak ketawa; 2. revelry, (bunyi) gelak ketawa: sounds of ~ came from the house, bunyi gelak ketawa datang dr rumah | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
laughter | n ketawa, gelak ketawa: we all roared with ~, kami semua ketawa terbahak-bahak; burst into ~, ketawa tiba-tiba; he was overcome with ~, dia gelak ketawa tdk tertahan-tahan; peals of ~ came from the classroom, gelak ketawa itu datang dr bilik darjah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
laughter | n ketawa, gelak ketawa: we all roared with ~, kami semua ketawa terbahak-bahak; burst into ~, ketawa tiba-tiba; he was overcome with ~, dia gelak ketawa tdk tertahan-tahan; peals of ~ came from the classroom, gelak ketawa itu datang dr bilik darjah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
laugh | vi ketawa, gelak: the funny story made them all ~, cerita lucu itu membuat mereka semua ketawa; the boy ~ed nervously, trying to hide his embarrassment,budak lelaki itu ketawa kegugupan, mencuba melindungi rasa malunya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
laugh | vi ketawa, gelak: the funny story made them all ~, cerita lucu itu membuat mereka semua ketawa; the boy ~ed nervously, trying to hide his embarrassment,budak lelaki itu ketawa kegugupan, mencuba melindungi rasa malunya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
resonate | vi bergema: their laughter ~d across the hall, gelak ketawa mereka bergema ke seluruh dewan itu; the house ~d with the sound of loud music, bunyi muzik yg kuat bergema di rumah itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
laugh | n 1. act or manner of laughing, ketawa, gelak: he answered with a ~, dia menjawab dgn ketawa; he has a most unusual ~, ketawanya luar biasa sekali; 2. (colloq) a. person considered amusing, kelakar: why don’t you invite him to the party, he’s always a good ~, mengapa tdk menjemputnya ke majlis itu, dia itu kelakar; b. st amusing, sst yg lucu; (irony) lucunya, lucu sekali: he regarded it as a bit of a ~, dia menganggap perkara itu sbg sst yg agak lucu; she offered to pay? What a ~!, dia hendak bayar? Lucunya!; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
laugh | n 1. act or manner of laughing, ketawa, gelak: he answered with a ~, dia menjawab dgn ketawa; he has a most unusual ~, ketawanya luar biasa sekali; 2. (colloq) a. person considered amusing, kelakar: why don’t you invite him to the party, he’s always a good ~, mengapa tdk menjemputnya ke majlis itu, dia itu kelakar; b. st amusing, sst yg lucu; (irony) lucunya, lucu sekali: he regarded it as a bit of a ~, dia menganggap perkara itu sbg sst yg agak lucu; she offered to pay? What a ~!, dia hendak bayar? Lucunya!; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
erupt | 4. burst out, meledak: laughter ~ed in the room, gelak ketawa meledak di bilik itu; 5. a. (of rash, spot, etc) appear, tumbuh dgn banyak(nya): pimples ~ed all over her face, jerawat tumbuh dgn banyak di seluruh mukanya;b. (of part of person’s body) become suddenly covered (in spots, pimples, etc) naik: her face ~ed in tiny red spots, mukanya naik bintik-bintik merah yg kecil; 6. (of tooth) keluar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
shy 1 | adj 1. (of person) diffident, bashful, malu; (habitually) pemalu: their laughter only made the child ~, gelak ketawa mereka hanya membuatkan budak itu bertambah malu; one ~ little boy hid behind his mother, seorang budak lelaki yg pemalu menyorok di belakang ibunya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |