supple | 3. (of movement) fluid, lemah-gemalai: the ballerina danced with a ~ grace, penari balet itu menari dgn lentok yg lemah-gemalai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fluid | adj 1. able to flow, bendalir: oxygen, like other gases is a ~ substance, oksigen, spt gas-gas lain, ialah bahan bendalir; 2. (liable to change) boleh berubah; (can be changed) dapat diubah: the political situation is ~, situasi politik boleh berubah; our plans are ~, rancangan-rancangan kami dapat diubah; 3. (of movement) smooth-flowing, gemalai, lemah longlai, lemah gemalai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
slender | adj 1. slim and graceful, a. (of person, person’s body, build, figure) langsing, lampai: ~ models glided down the catwalk, peragawati-peragawati yg langsing berjalan dgn lemah gemalai di pentas peragaan itu; the dress made her look ~, baju itu membuat dia kelihatan langsing; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
airy | adj 1. breezy, berangin: the room is spacious and ~, bilik itu luas dan berangin; 2. weightless, tipis: ~ voile, kain voile yg tipis; 3. light, graceful, lemah longlai, lemah gemalai: her ~ tread, langkahnya yg lemah longlai; 4. lively, gay, riang; 5. empty, fanciful, kosong: ~ ideals, impian-impian kosong; ~ promises, janji-janji kosong; 6. immaterial, niskala, mujarad, tdk berbentuk: ~ spirits, makhluk halus niskala; 7. (colloq) nonchalant, acuh tak acuh, endah tak endah: his friend’s ~ attitude infuriated him, sikap acuh tak acuh kawannya menyebabkan dia marah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
poise | n 1. self-control, composure, sikap tenang dan yakin: I admire the ~ with which she handled the difficult situation, saya mengagumi sikap tenang dan yakinnya dlm menghadapi keadaan yg sukar itu; 2. elegant way of moving, standing, gaya, tanjak: the graceful ~ of the model, gaya lemah gemalai peragawati itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
consummate | adj 1. (fml) accomplished, highly skilled, handal(an): a ~ musician, pemuzik yg handal; 2. (intensifier) betul-betul, benar-benar: he is a ~ liar, dia betul-betul penipu; 3. (fml) perfect, complete, [no specific translation]: to dance with ~ grace, menari dgn lemah gemalai; their ~ happiness, mereka begitu gembira; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ever | ~ /so, such/, (colloq) betul: he is ~ so clever, dia pandai betul; my leg is ~ so much better now, kaki saya sudah baik betul sekarang; she is ~ such a nice woman, dia baik betul; ~ yours, yours ~, (colloq), (used at the end of a letter) mesra selalu drpd; as ~, spt biasa: as ~, she refused to admit her mistake, spt biasa, dia tdk mengakui kesilapannya; as ... as ~, ... spt biasa: in spite of his poor health, my uncle is as cheerful as ~, walaupun tdk berapa sihat, bapa saudara saya riang spt biasa; she dances as gracefully as ~, dia menari dgn lemah gemalai spt biasa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |