agglomeration | n 1. act of agglomerating, a. (gen) pengumpulan; b. (tech) pengaglomeratan; 2. confused mass, a. (gen) kumpulan, kelompok; b. (of ideas, facts, details) bauran, adukan: an ~ of ideas thrown together without regard to style, bauran pelbagai idea yg dicampuradukkan tanpa menghiraukan gaya penulisan; c. (of st piled, heaped up) longgokan, timbunan; 3. cluster, kelompok, kumpulan; (of island, stars) gugusan, kumpulan: a city surrounded by an ~ of suburbs, sebuah kota yg dikelilingi oleh kelompok-kelompok kawasan pinggir bandar; an ~ of sky scrapers, kumpulan bangunan pencakar langit. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
discolouration, (US) discoloration | n 1. a. (gen) pengubahan warna; (tech) penyahwarnaan; b. (due to washing or exposure) i. (of clothes, fabric) pelunturan, pudarnya, pucatnya; ii. (of jewellery, metal) pudarnya, kusamnya; (state) kepudaran; iii. (of paper, teeth) kuningnya; c. (due to clouding by dirt etc) keruhnya; d. (due to a knock or blow) lebamnya; 2. discoloured spot, a. (gen) perubahan warna; b. (due to washing, exposure) i. (of clothes, fabric) warna yg /luntur, pudar, pucat/; ii. (of jewellery, metal) kesan /pudar, kusam/; iii. (of paper, teeth) warna kuning; iv. (due to a knock or blow) lebam: the ~ on his arm, lebam di tangannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
whole | 2. entire, complete, a. (gen) seluruh(nya), semua(nya): the ~ city was destroyed by the earthquake, seluruh bandar itu musnah akibat gempa bumi; let’s forget about the ~ thing, marilah kita lupakan perkara itu seluruhnya; he inherited $500,000 and lost the ~ lot gambling, dia mewarisi wang sebanyak $500,000 dan menghabiskan semuanya dgn berjudi; his ~ body was covered with scars, seluruh badannya penuh dgn parut; you must give your ~ mind to the problem, kamu mesti menumpukan seluruh perhatian kamu pd masalah itu; b. (of time, distance), i. (gen) sepanjang: I spent the ~ afternoon in the garden, sepanjang petang itu saya bekerja di kebun; trees are planted along the ~ length of the field, pokok-pokok ditanam di sepanjang padang itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beat | vt 1. strike (repeatedly) a. (gen) memukul(i): she ~ the carpet vigorously, dia memukuli permaidani itu dgn kuat; b. (drum) memukul, memalu; c. (with hammer) mengetuk(-ngetuk); (when shaping metal into st) menempa, menitik; 2. inflict blows on, a. (gen) memukul: he ~s the children when they are naughty, dia memukul anak-anaknya apabila mereka nakal; the neighbours claim that he often ~s his wife, jiran-jirannya mengatakan bahawa dia sering memukul isterinya; b. (violently) memukul(i), membelasah, menghentam: to ~ so. black and blue, memukuli sso hingga lebam-lebam; the animal was ~en to death, binatang itu dipukuli hingga mati; c. (with stick, pole, etc) memukul, memalu, menggodam, membalun; d. (with a cane) merotan, menyebat, menyesah, melibas, melecut, mengembat, membelasah; e. (with a belt, strap, etc) memukul, menyebat, melibas, menyesah; 3. whip (eggs etc) memukul; 4. flap (wings) mengibar-ngibarkan, mengibas-ngibaskan, memegas, mengepak-ngepakkan, mengirapkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
larval | adj (gen) larva; (of ant, bee) tempayak; (of beetle) lundi; (of fly) berenga: they spray the insects while they are still in ~ form, mereka menyembur serangga semasa serangga masih dlm bentuk larva. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
larva | n (gen) larva; (of ant, bee ) tempayak; (of beetle) lundi; (of fly) berenga. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
larval | adj (gen) larva; (of ant, bee) tempayak; (of beetle) lundi; (of fly) berenga: they spray the insects while they are still in ~ form, mereka menyembur serangga semasa serangga masih dlm bentuk larva. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
larva | n (gen) larva; (of ant, bee ) tempayak; (of beetle) lundi; (of fly) berenga. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
abundant | adj (gen) amat banyak: an ~ supply of weapons, bekalan senjata yg amat banyak; a river ~ in fish, sungai yg amat banyak ikannya; ~ proof, bukti yg amat banyak; 2. (of hair, foliage, etc) lebat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gene | n gen. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |