plight1 | n keadaan /pahit getir, yg menyedihkan/: his death has left his family in a sorry ~, kematiannya meninggalkan keluarganya dlm keadaan pahit getir; the dreadful ~ of the refugees,keadaan pahit getir orang-orang pelarian yg sungguh mengerikan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wormwood | n (fig.) pahit /getir, maung/: the ~ of defeat, pahit getir kekalahan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
virulent | adj 1. full of hatred, extremely bitter, a. (of hostility, animosity) getir: he spoke of the general with ~ hostility, dia bercakap ttg jeneral itu dgn rasa permusuhan yg getir; b. (of words, abuse) tajam: some of the criticism was positively ~, sesetengah kritikan itu betul-betul tajam; c. (of tone) penuh meluat; 2. extremely fast-acting, powerful and dangerous, mudarat: a ~ poison, racun yg mudarat; a ~ form of influenza, jenis demam selesema yg mudarat; 3. (of colour) menyarau: a ~ purple, ungu yg menyarau. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bitter | 6. Characterized by intense antagonism or hostility, a. (of enemy) ketat; b. (of struggle, quarrel, etc) pahit, getir: the ~ strugglr for freedom, perjuangan yg getir utkkebebasan; c. (of hatred) penuh dendam; n st bitter, sst yg pahit; take the ~ sweet, menerima pahit manis. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ordeal | n pengalaman /pahit, getir/: he never fully recovered from the dreadful ~, dia tdk benar-benar pulih drpd pengalaman pahit itu; the ~ of watching o’s father being hacked to death, pengalaman pahit menyaksikan bapa sendiri ditetak hingga mati. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bitterly | adv 1. piercingly, sehingga /menggigit, menusuk/ ke tulang: the weather was ~ cold, cuaca sejuk sehingga menusuk ke tulang; 2. with bitterness, dgn perasaan /pahit, getir/: she spoke ~ about the incident, dia bercakap dgn perasaan pahit ttg peristiwa itu; 3. intensely, begitu, terlalu, sangat: she was ~ disappointed in him, wanita itu begitu kecewa dengannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bitter | adj 1. (rel to taste) pahit: the pill left a ~ taste in the mouth, pil itu meninggalkan rasa pahit dlm mulut; ~ orange peel, kulit oren yg pahit; a ~ pill to swallow, sst yg pahit yg terpaksa /diterima, ditelan/; 2. piercing, stinging, /menggigit, menusuk/ ke tulang: a ~ chill, kedinginan yg menusuk ke tulang; 3. piercingly cold, kedinginannya /menggigit, menusuk/ ke tulang: a ~ night, malam yg kedinginannya menusuk ke tulang; 4. hard to bear or accept, pahit, getir: a ~ experience, pengalaman pahit; a ~ lesson, pengajaran pahit; a ~ disappointment, kekecewaan yg getir; ~ poverty, kemiskinan yg pahit; the ~ truth, kenyataan pahit; 5. full of resentment, pain, a. (of person) berasa marah dan kecewa: she was still ~ about her parents’ divorce, dia masih lagi berasa marah dan kecewa krn perceraian ibu bapanya; b. (of words etc) pahit; c. (of tears) kesal; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
asperity | n (fml) 1. harshness of manner, temper, kekasaran; with ~, dgn kasarnya: he spoke with ~ about their indifference, dia bercakap dgn kasarnya ttg sikap mereka yg acuh tak acuh; 2. roughness, harshness, a. (of surface) kekasapan; b. (of sound) kekasaran; c. (of weather condition) kedahsyatan: the ~ of the Siberian winter, kedahsyatan musim sejuk Siberia; 3. bitter, unkind word, remark, etc, kata-kata yg /kesat, kasar, pedas, menyakitkan hati/; 4. condition difficult to endure, keadaan yg /getir, perit/: the asperities of life in a war-torn country, keadaan hidup yg getir dlm negara yg hancur akibat peperangan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
extinguish | vt 1. put out, (fire, light) memadamkan; (cigarette) mematikan, memadamkan: they tried to ~ the flames by dousing it, mereka mencuba memadamkan api dgn menyimbahkan air; he ~ed his cigarette when the “no smoking” sign came on, dia memadamkan api rokoknya apabila tanda isyarat “jangan merokok” dipasang; 2. destroy entirely, (act.) melenyapkan; (pass.) lenyap: the storm ~ed any hope of finding the boat, ribut melenyapkan segala harapan utk menjumpai bot itu; the bitter experience ~ed his burning passion for her, pengalaman yg getir itu melenyapkan rasa berahinya yg membara thdp wanita itu; 3. pay off (debt) membayar, melunaskan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |