companion 1 | <i>ni> 1. <i>one who associates or is always with another,i> teman: <i>travelling ~s,i> teman seperjalanan; <i>a close ~,i> teman rapat; <i>~s in misfortune,i> teman senasib; ~s in arms, teman seperjuangan; 2. <i>one employed to keep anotheri> (<i>usu elderlyi>) <i>company,i> teman; 3. <i>st that is one of a pair,i> gu: <i>the ~ to this volume is missing,i> gu jilid ini telah hilang; 4. <i>handbook,i> buku /panduan, pedoman/: <i>the Motorists’ C~,i> Buku Panduan Pemandu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
quiz | <i>vti> 1. <i>ask questions ofi>, menyoal, menanyai: <i>she was ~zed about her new boyfriendi>, dia disoal ttg teman lelakinya yg baru; 2. (US) <i>test knowledge ofi>, menduga akal: <i>the teacher ~zed the children on historyi>, gu | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
interior | <i>ni> 1. <i>inside, inner part,i> bahagian dalam: <i>the ~ of the house needs painting,i> bahagian dalam rumah itu perlu dicat; <i>the ~ of the box is lined with silk,i> bahagian dalam kotak itu dilapik dgn sutera; <i>the ~ of the earth,i> bahagian dalam bumi; 2. <i>inland region, area,i> (kawasan) pedalaman; <i>the ~ is largely desert,i> sebahagian besar kawasan pedalamannya ialah gu-run; 3. <i>domestic affairs,i> dalam negeri: <i>the Minister of the I~,i> Menteri Dalam Negeri; the Department of the I~, Jabatan Dalam Negeri. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |