musty | adj 1. unpleasant, stale, a. (smell) hapak, tengik: a number of ~ old books, beberapa buah buku lama yg hapak; ~ old documents, dokumen-dokumen lama yg hapak; b. (of taste) tengik: the brea | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
frowzy | adj 1. musty, pengap, hapak: a dark, ~ ship, kapal yg gelap dan hapak; 2. slatternly, selekeh: a ~ woman, seorang perempuan yg selekeh. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fusty | adj 1. musty, mouldy, (berbau) hapak: the attic was ~, loteng itu berbau hapak; 2. old-fashioned, kolot: a ~ old professor, profesor tua yg kolot. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
stale | b. flat and tasteless, tdk /berbuih, berbusa/: ~ beer, bir yg tdk berbuih; c. no longer good to smell, (berbau) hapak: ~ air, udara yg hapak; the room smells of ~ cigarette smoke, udara dlm bilik itu berbau asap rokok yg hapak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
stale | (of tobacco) hapak; (of cigarette) masuk angin: the prisoners were given soup and ~ bread, banduan-banduan itu diberi sup dan roti yg sudah keras; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
staleness | c. (no longer good to smell) keadaan [sst] yg (berbau) hapak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
air | n 1. gaseous substance enveloping earth, udara: to breathe in the mountain ~, menyedut udara gunung; the stale ~ in the cellar, udara hapak di bilik bawah tanah; ~ pressure, tekanan udara; 2. space above the earth, udara, angkasa, awang-awang(an): birds of the ~, burung-burung udara; battles fought in the ~, pertempuran yg berlaku di udara; Bombay seen from the ~, Bombay dilihat dr udara; 3. rel to flying or aircraft, udara: ~ freight, kargo udara; ~ travel, perjalanan dgn pesawat udara, penerbangan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
mouldy | adj 1. covered with mould, bercendawan, berlapuk; (tech) berkulapuk: the cheese had to be thrown out as it had gone ~, keju itu mesti dibuang krn telah bercendawan; 2. musty, stale, hapak: the old shoes | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
staleness | n 1. quality of being, a. (no longer good to eat, smoke, etc), (of bread, cake, etc) keadaan [sst] yg sudah /keras, lama/; (of biscuit) keadaan [sst] yg masuk angin; (of cheese, chocolate, etc) keadaan [sst] yg sudah /lama, tdk sedap lagi/; (of tobacco) keadaan [sst] yg hapak; (of cigarette) keadaan [sst] yg masuk angin: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ripe | adj 1. fully grown, ready for havesting, masak: ~ fruit, buah masak; when the wheat is ~ it is harvested, gandum itu dituai apabila masak; 2. (of cheese, wine) mature, matang; 3. (of lips) red and full, bak delima merekah; 4. (of odour) strong, unpleasant, hapak; 5. (colloq), (of language) vulgar, carut: his ~ language offended the shop-keeper, bahasa carutnya menyakitkan hati pekedai itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |