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Kamus Bahasa Melayu

Definisi : = ~ lahir hari memperingati lahirnya seseorang; (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

Definisi : a) hari dilahirkan; b) Id hari natal (Krismas); (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)
Kata Terbitan : sehari-hari, sehari-harian, berhari-hari, harian,


Ayuh encik jari bersusun,
     Mengadap raja sehari-hari;
Pandai menjaga buah di kebun,
     Mana boleh jadi rugi.

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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

birthdayn the day or anniversary of o’s birth, hari /jadi, lahir/: ~ cake, kek hari jadi; ~ present, hadiah hari jadi.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
belatedadj terlambat, terlewat, lewat sampai: a ~ birthday card, kad hari jadi yg terlambat.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
surroundthe birthday cake is ~ed by a thick coat of butter icing, kek hari jadi itu diliputi oleh lapisan aising mentega yg tebal; the edible pulp that ~s the stone of the fruit, pulpa yg boleh dimakan yg melingkungi biji buah itu; party members ~ed him, clapping and congratulating him, para anggota parti mengerumuninya, bertepuk tangan dan mengucapkan tahniah kepadanya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
coincidevi 1. occur simultaneously, berbetulan: his birthday ~s with mine, hari jadinya berbetulan dgn hari jadi saya; the two matches ~, kedua-dua perlawanan itu berbetulan; 2. be identical in nature, character, etc, sama: the two thermometers do not ~ in their measurement of temperature, ukuran suhu kedua-dua termometer itu tdk sama; 3. agree, bersesuaian: his interests ~s with his duty, minatnya bersesuaian dgn tugasnya.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
ticklebe ~d pink, gembira sekali: the children were ~d pink at being invited to the birthday party, budak-budak itu gembira sekali dijemput ke majlis hari jadi itu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
hellb. (ironic) not at all, jangan harap: “Did he get you a birthday present?” “Like ~ he did”, “Dia belikan kamu hadiah utk hari jadi?” “Jangan harap”; not a hope in ~, tiada harapan langsung: you haven’t got a hope in ~ of arriving in time, kamu tdk ada harapan langsung boleh sampai pd waktunya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
partyn 1. social gathering, parti, majlis; (of mood etc) berparti: a birthday ~, parti hari jadi; he wasn’t in a ~ mood, so he decided to leave early, dia tdk ada rasa hendak berparti jadi dia memutuskan utk pulang awal; /give, have, throw/ a ~, mengadakan /parti, majlis/: they like giving parties, mereka gemar mengadakan parti; 2. group of persons, a. (doing st together) kumpulan: I accompanied a ~ of school children on a trip abroad, saya menemani sekumpulan murid sekolah ke luar negeri; a fishing ~, sekumpulan pengail ikan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
forget~ about, a. see vi; b. fail to remember (st or doing st), (ter)lupa: he forgot about his wife’s birthday, dia terlupa hari jadi isterinya; I forgot about not parking in front of the door, saya terlupa bahawa tdk boleh meletakkan kereta di depan pintu; c. intentionally put out of o’s mind, melupakan: you can ~ about going to the restaurant tonight: I’ve lost my wallet!, lupakan saja rancangan kita utk pergi ke restoran malam ini: beg duit saya hilang!; I tried to ~ about him, but I couldn’t, saya mencuba melupakannya, tetapi tdk berjaya.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
miss 1~ out, (colloq) rugi: by the sound of it I ~ed out by not going to that birthday party, menurut cerita-cerita yg saya dengar, nampaknya saya rugi krn tdk pergi ke majlis hari jadi itu; ~ /so., st/ out, a. omit st, meningKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
givevt 1. present, make a present of, memberikan; (with indirect obj) memberi; (colloq) bagi: she gave the book to me as a birthday present, dia memberikan buku itu kpd saya sbg hadiah hari jadi; he always ~s his old clothes to the poor, dia selalu memberikan baju lamanya kpd orang miskin; he gave me some flowers, dia memberi saya bunga; 2. accord, provide, cause to have, memberikan; (with indirect obj) memberi; (colloq) bagi: he refused to ~ his approval to the proposal, dia enggan memberikan persetujuannya kpd cadangan itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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