adjourn | vi 1. suspend proceedings for later resumption, ditangguhkan, ditunda: Parliament has ~ed for the Hari Raya holidays, persidangan Parlimen telah ditangguhkan selama cuti Hari Raya; 2. end, berakhir: the meeting ~ed at 5.00 p.m., mesyuarat itu berakhir pd pukul 5.00 petang; 3. move or go elsewhere, beredar: the guests ~ed to the verandah, para tetamu beredar ke beranda; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
house | bring the ~ down, bring down the ~, (colloq) mendapat tepukan gemuruh; get /on, along/ like a ~ on fire, begitu mesra sekali: after they got to know each other the two ladies got along like a ~ on fire, selepas mengenali satu sama lain kedua-dua wanita itu begitu mesra sekali; keep ~, mengurus rumah; keep open ~, mengadakan rumah terbuka: we keep open ~ at Hari Raya, kami mengadakan rumah terbuka pd Hari Raya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
boy | ~s will be ~s, kalau lelaki, lelaki juga; a mother’s ~ (colloq) anak jantan emak; the ~s, a. (colloq) group of men, orang lelaki; b. (colloq) a man’s male friends, /kawan-kawan, teman-teman (lelaki)/ sso: he has gone out with the ~s, dia keluar dgn kawan-kawannya; c. also our ~s, (affectionately) soldiers, askar-askar kita: Hari Raya cakes for our ~s at the front, kuih-kuih Hari Raya utk askar-askar kita di sempadan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
get | ~ together, a. meet socially, bertemu, berjumpa; (involving many people) berkumpul: we must ~ together for a chat one of these days, kita mesti berjumpa utk bersembang bila-bila senang; the whole family got together last id-ul-fitr, seluruh keluarga itu berkumpul pd Hari Raya Puasa yg lepas; b. meet so as to discuss or talk, bertemu, mengadakan pertemuan: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
date1 | n 1. specified day of month, hari bulan, tarikh, tanggal: today’s ~ is the 16th of February, hari ini 16 hari bulan Februari or hari ini tanggal 16 Februari; 2. specific day, year of event, tarikh: the ~ of the Portuguese attack on Malacca, tarikh Feringgi menyerang Melaka; the ~ for the elections has been fixed, tarikh pilihan raya itu telah ditetapkan; ~ of birth, tarikh lahir; 3. statement or inscription in, on letter, book, coin, etc, tarikh, hari bulan, tanggal, [usu tarikh]: to insert a ~, membubuh tarikh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
declare | vt 1. proclaim, mengisytiharkan: a nation-wide strike was ~d, mogok seluruh negara telah diisytiharkan; the government ~d City Day a public holiday, kerajaan mengisytiharkan Hari Wilayah hari cuti am; 2. announce, mengisytiharkan, mengumumkan: the bank ~d a 5% dividend, bank itu mengisytiharkan dividen sebanyak 5%; to ~ the results of an election, mengumumkan keputusan pilihan raya; 3. pronounce, mengesahkan: he was ~d dead on arrival at the hospital, dia disahkan mati semasa sampai di hospital; to ~ so. a lunatic, mengesahkan sso itu gila; 4. state emphatically, menegaskan: he ~d that he was innocent, dia menegaskan bahawa dia tdk bersalah; she ~d that she was tired, dia menegaskan bahawa dia letih; 5. prove, reveal, membuktikan: the heavens ~ the glory of God, adanya cakerawala membuktikan keagungan Tuhan; 6. (taxable property or goods) mengisytiharkan, membuat pengakuan ttg: to ~ o’s assets, mengisytiharkan aset sso; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
swarm 1 | 3. (of place) be thronged or crowded, penuh: the neglected fields ~ed with rabbits, padang yg terbiar itu penuh dgn arnab; all day the streets were ~ing with people, sepanjang hari, jalan-jalan raya penuh dgn orang ramai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
special | a 24-hour radio ~ on the election, liputan istimewa 24-jam melalui radio ttg pilihan raya itu: a number of television ~s are scheduled for the Christmas season, beberapa rancangan istimewa sedang disediakan utk musim perayaan Krismas; the chef’s ~ for today, hidangan istimewa tukang masak hari ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
see 1 | b. (to a particular place) membawa sso ke [n] di seberang: the traffic is rather heavy today, why don’t you let me ~ you across to the supermarket?, lalu lintas agak sibuk hari ini, jadi, biarlah saya membawa mak cik ke pasar raya di seberang?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
restful | adj 1. peaceful, tenang: a quiet ~ place, tempat yg sunyi dan tenang; a ~ holiday at home, percutian tenang di rumah; 2. producing a feeling of peace and tranquillity, menenangkan: colours that are ~ to the eye, warna-warna yg menenangkan mata; after a few days in the city, they sought more ~ surroundings, selepas beberapa hari di bandar raya, mereka mencari persekitaran yg lebih menenangkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |