tooth | lying through o’s teeth, (colloq) sengaja berbohong, bohong hidup-hidup; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
alive | adj 1. having life, living, (masih) hidup: he is still ~, dia masih hidup; wanted dead or ~, dikehendaki sama ada hidup atau mati; 2. while still living, hidup-hidup: to be burnt ~, dibakar hidup-hidup; 3. in existence, hidup: such traditions are still ~, tradisi-tradisi spt itu masih hidup; 4. of those living, di dunia ini: the kindest man ~, lelaki yg paling baik hati di dunia ini; 5. lively, cergas: although old she is very much ~, walaupun usianya tua, dia amat cergas; 6. swarming, teeming, penuh: the meat was ~ with maggots, daging itu penuh dgn berenga; a jungle that is ~ with game, hutan yg penuh dgn binatang; 7. (electr) hidup; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
burn | vt 1. also ~ (st) up, destroy by fire, membakar: he ~ed all the files so as to leave no evidence, dia membakar semua fail supaya tdk meninggalkan bukti; we have ~t all the rubbish, kami telah membakar segala sampah-sarap; 2. put to death by fire, membakar hidup-hidup: Joan of Arc was ~t at the stake, Joan of Arc dibakar hidup-hidup di pancang; 3. subject to heat, membakar: they ~ clay to make bricks, mereka membakar tanah liat utk membuat bata; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lifetime | n duration of existence, a. (of person) sepanjang /hidup, hayat/, seumur hidup: he had spent a ~ in scientific research, dia telah menghabiskan sepanjang hidupnya membuat penyelidikan sains; in o’s ~, dlm hidup sso, sepanjang /hidup, hayat/ sso: he went through two world wars in his ~, dia telah melalui dua perang dunia dlm hidupnya; b. (of organization etc) hayat: the party had seen three presidents in its ~, parti itu telah diterajui oleh tiga presiden selama hayatnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lifetime | n duration of existence, a. (of person) sepanjang /hidup, hayat/, seumur hidup: he had spent a ~ in scientific research, dia telah menghabiskan sepanjang hidupnya membuat penyelidikan sains; in o’s ~, dlm hidup sso, sepanjang /hidup, hayat/ sso: he went through two world wars in his ~, dia telah melalui dua perang dunia dlm hidupnya; b. (of organization etc) hayat: the party had seen three presidents in its ~, parti itu telah diterajui oleh tiga presiden selama hayatnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lifelong | adj sepanjang /hayat, hidup/, seumur hidup: ~ friendship, persahabatan sepanjang hayat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lifelong | adj sepanjang /hayat, hidup/, seumur hidup: ~ friendship, persahabatan sepanjang hayat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
live 2 | adj 1. alive, living, hidup: ~ snakes, ular-ular hidup; 2. not yet exploded, hidup: ~ bombs, bom-bom hidup; 3. (of coal, ember, etc) glowing or burning, hidup; 4. (of show, performance) di hadapan penonton, secara langsung: I attended Anita Sarawak’s first ~ performance, saya menghadiri persembahan Anita Sarawak yg pertama di hadapan penonton; 5. (of a broadcast) transmitted while actually happening, secara /langsung, terus/: a ~ coverage of the Miss Universe constest, liputan secara terus pertandingan Miss Universe; 6. (of wire, electrical equipment, etc) charged with electricity, hidup: a ~ circuit, litar hidup; 7. of current interest, hangat: the nuclear threat is still very much a ~ issue, ancaman nuklear masih menjadi isu hangat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
living | adj 1. being alive, masih hidup: after the war she had no ~ relatives left, selepas peperangan itu dia tdk lagi mempunyai saudara-mara yg masih hidup; ~ legend, legenda hidup; 2. a. (of language) in use, (masih) hidup: English is a ~ language, bahasa Inggeris ialah bahasa yg hidup; b. active, still practised, tdk pudar: a ~ faith, kepercayaan yg tdk pudar; 3. possessing characteristics of life, hidup: he did a study on ~ organisms, dia membuat kajian ttg organisma hidup; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
subsistence | n saraan hidup; (attrib) sara hidup: they relied for their ~ on $20 a week, mereka bergantung pd $20 seminggu utk menyara hidup; a ~ economy, ekonomi sara hidup. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |