disrespectful | adj tdk hormat; (of person) bersikap tdk hormat: ~ words, kata-kata yg tdk hormat; he is ~ to his elders, dia bersikap tdk hormat thdp orang tua-tua. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
irreverent | adj 1. (of person) tdk hormat; (attrib) bersikap tdk hormat: it is generally considered ~ to enter a mosque wearing a dress, pd umumnya dianggap tdk hormat memasuki masjid dgn memakai baju gaun; I don’t think he meant to be ~, saya tdk fikir dia bermaksud bersikap tdk hormat; ~ young people who poke fun at many things, anak-anak muda yg bersikap tdk hormat dan mempersendakan banyak perkara; 2. showing, characterized by lack of respect for important people, institution, menunjukkan sikap tdk /hormat thdp, menghormati/; (of attitude) tdk /hormat thdp, menghormati/: he made a number of ~ comments about the prince, dia membuat beberapa komen yg menunjukkan sikap tdk hormat kpd putera itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
disrespect | n sikap tdk hormat: he showed ~ for authority, dia menunjukkan sikap tdk hormat thdp pihak berkuasa; /mean, intend/ no ~, tdk /berniat, bermaksud/ utk bersikap tdk hormat: he intended no ~ by that remark, dia tdk bermaksud utk bersikap tdk hormat dgn kata-kata itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dignified | adj menimbulkan rasa hormat: a ~ appearance, perwatakan yg menimbulkan rasa hormat; ~ eloquence, kefasihan yg menimbulkan rasa hormat | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
respectful | adj 1. full of respect, penuh hormat: ~ behaviour, kelakuan penuh hormat; be ~ of, (suka) menghormati: she is ~ of other people’s rights, dia sentiasa menghormati hak-hak orang lain; 2. showing respect, sbg tanda hormat: she stood at a ~ distance from the princess, dia berdiri agak jauh sbg tanda hormat kpd puteri itu; they listened in ~ silence to his speech, mereka diam sbg tanda hormat mendengar ucapannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
reverence | n rasa hormat: he entered the sacred place with ~, dia masuk ke tempat suci itu dgn rasa hormat; he felt great ~ for his professor, dia berasa sangat hormat thdp profesornya; hold /so., st/ in ~, menghormati /sso, sst/: a poet who was held in ~ by all, seorang pensyair yg dihormati oleh semua orang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
salute | c. (by presenting of arms) hormat senjata; d. (by dipping of flags) hormat bendera; 2. gesture of greeting or respect, tanda hormat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
salute | take the ~, /membalas, menerima/ + approp n: the governor took the ~ at the march-past, gabenor itu menerima tabik hormat drpd perbarisan hormat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
salute | d. (by dipping of flags) memberi hormat bendera kpd; 2. greet with friendliness, goodwill, courtesy, memberi hormat kpd: the fencers ~d the crowd, pemain-pemain pedang itu memberi hormat kpd para penonton; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
honorific | adj hormat: an ~ title, gelaran hormat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |