unmarried | adj tdk berkahwin: ~ mothers, ibu-ibu yg tdk berkahwin; she remained ~, dia tetap tdk berkahwin. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cluck | vi 1. make sound of a hen, berketak-ketak, berketuk-ketuk, berketuk-ketak: the frightened hens ~ed and squawked, ibu-ibu ayam yg ketakutan itu berketak-ketak dan berkeok-keok; 2. talk in a way that shows disapproval, becok merungut; 3. fuss, bersibuk-sibuk; (in direct speech), /katanya, berkata/ dgn becok: stop ~ing like a mother hen, janganlah bersibuk-sibuk sangat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
maternity | n 1. motherhood, status ibu, menjadi ibu: ~ suits her, status ibu sesuai baginya; she did not feel ready for ~, dia rasa tdk bersedia utk menjadi ibu; 2. (attrib), [various translations]: a ~ dres | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
nurse | vt 1. take care of like a nurse, merawat: she ~d her husband back to health, dia merawat suaminya sehingga pulih; 2. suckle, menyusui: the mothers were advised to ~ their babies, ibu-ibu dinasihati supaya menyusui anak mereka; 3. cradle, hold lovingly, membelai: the little girl ~d the kitten, budak perempuan itu membelai anak kucing; 4. take special care of, membelai: to ~ the rare and delicate plants, membelai tanaman yg sukar didapati dan susah hidup; 5. foster, menaruh: to ~ hopes of reconciliation, menaruh harapan agar dapat berdamai semula; for years she ~d a grudge against me, bertahun-tahun dia menaruh dendam thdp saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
prepare | 2. accustom(so.) to an idea, change, etc, membuat persediaan: problems sometimes arise for young mothers who have suddenly taken on jobs without preparing their offspring for the change in home life, masalah akan timbul bagi ibu-ibu muda yg hendak bekerja kalau mereka tdk menyediakan anak-anak mereka utk menghadapi perubahan dlm kehidupan di rumah; 3. (meal) menyediakan, memasak: she spent the whole afternoon preparing the dinner, dia menghabiskan masa sepanjang petang itu menyediakan makanan malam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
filial | adj of, due from__ son, daughter, /thdp, kpd/ ibu bapa: ~ piety, ketaatan thdp ibu bapa; ~ affection, kasih sayang thdp ibu bapa; ~ duty, kewajipan thdp ibu bapa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
motherly | adj (expressing feelings like those of a mother) seorang ibu; (resembling a mother) spt (seorang) ibu: a ~ kiss, ciuman seorang ibu; I am lucky to have a ~ landlady, saya bernasib baik krn tuan rumah saya spt seorang ibu | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
isolation | n 1. state of being, a. (cut off from other people, places, etc) keterasingan: the ~ of city life, keterasingan hidup di kota ; b. (alone, lonely) kesepian, kesunyian, (keadaan) /terasing, terpencil/: unwed mothers who live a miserable life in ~, ibu-ibu yg tdk berkahwin yg hidup dlm kesedihan dan kesepian; 2. act, process of, a. (causing so. to be cut of from others because of disease) pengasingan: ~ is the only method of controlling the spread of the disease, pengasingan ialah satu-satunya cara utk mengawal merebaknya penyakit tersebut; ~ ward, wad pengasingan; b. (alienating) pemulauan; c. (separating from other substances) mengasingkan: the ~ of a cancer cell, pengasingan sel kanser; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
mother | M~ took me to the dentist, ibu membawa saya berjumpa dgn doktor gigi; 3. motherly feelings, perasaan seorang ibu: the crying child appealed to the ~ in her, anak yg sedang menangis itu membangkitkan perasaan seorang ibu yg ada | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
parental | adj ibu bapa: ~ responsibilities, tanggungjawab ibu bapa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |