territory | 2. country or region occupied or controlled by another country, tanah jajahan: the British territories in Africa, tanah-tanah jajahan Inggeris di Afrika; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
colony | n 1. subject country or territory, tanah jajahan, koloni: nations which are former British colonies, negara-negara yg merupakan bekas tanah jajahan British; 2. people of one race, occupation, etc living together, koloni: the Indian ~ in London, koloni orang India di London; 3. segregated group, perkampungan: a leper ~, perkampungan pesakit kusta; 4. (zool) koloni: a ~ of penguins, koloni penguin; 5. (bacteriology) koloni. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
possession | all personal ~s were thoroughly checked, semua barang milik peribadi diperiksa dgn teliti; 3. territory, jajahan: the British ~s in Africa, tanah-tanah jajahan British di Afrika; 4. state of being under the control of evil spirit, dirasuk: he believed the amulet could protect him from ~ by evil spirits, dia percaya bahawa tangkal itu dapat melindunginya drpd dirasuk syaitan; 5. occupancy, penghunian, menghuni; come into so’s ~, menjadi (hak) milik sso: the article came into my ~ in an extraordinary way, makalah itu menjadi hak milik | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
Crown Colony | n Tanah Jajahan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
self-governed | adj (of country, nation, state), /berpemerintahan, berkerajaan/ sendiri: a ~ colony, jajahan yg berpemerintahan sendiri. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
penal | adj penal, hukuman: the ~ clauses, syarat-syarat penal; ~/colony, settlement/, tanah jajahan utk hukuman. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ship | ~ so. off, menghantar sso: young men were often ~ped off to the colonies to seek their fortune, dahulu pemuda-pemuda sering dihantar ke tanah jajahan utk mengadu untung; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pre-emption | n act, right of buying property before others, keutamaan membeli: large landholders obtained their properties by ~ during the early days of the colony, pemilik yg mempunyai tanah yg luas memperoleh harta mereka melalui keutamaan membeli semasa zaman awal tanah jajahan itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
independence | n 1. state of being independent, kebebasan; (of state, country, etc) kemerdekaan: he felt he should be given more ~, dia berasa dia patut diberi lebih kebebasan; intellectual ~, kebebasan intelektual; the colony was granted ~ six years later, tanah jajahan itu diberi kemerdekaan enam tahun kemudian; 2. time when a country obtains political independence, kemerdekaan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pretence, (US) pretense | n 1. affectation, sifat suka berpura-pura: it’s not difficult to see through his ~, tdk sukar utk melihat sifatnya yg suka berpura-pura; 2. claim (usu false) to title, right, dakwaan bahawa (sso) berhak atas [sst]: his ~ to the post of Territorial Chief was challenged by the rightful heirs, dakwaannya bahawa dia berhak atas jawatan Orang Besar Jajahan dicabar oleh waris-waris yg hak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |