tag1 | vt 1. attach informative label , membubuhi [sst] tanda; (to indicate price) membubuhi tanda harga [sst]: the sharks were captured and ~ged to enable scientists to monitor their movements, jerung-jerung itu ditangkap | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
shoreline | n edge of sea, lake, river, pinggir + approp n: the shark came close to the ~, ikan jerung itu menghampiri pinggir laut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
swimmer | n perenang, orang yg berenang: the ~s had to leave the water when a shark was sighted, orang-orang yg berenang itu terpaksa naik ke pantai apabila ternampak ikan jerung. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
smell | vt 1. perceive smell of, membaui, menghidu: I can ~ something burning in the kitchen, saya dapat membaui sesuatu yg terbakar di dapur; sharks can ~ blood in the water, jerung boleh membaui darah dlm air; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jaw | n 1. a. either of bony parts of face to which the teeth are attached, rahang: lower ~, rahang bawah; upper ~, rahang atas; b. (in pl) bones of mouth together with teeth, mulut: the shark opened its ~s, ikan jerung itu membuka mulutnya; 2. lower part of face, tulang rahang: a man with a strong ~, lelaki yg tulang rahangnya jelas; 3. (in pl) narrow opening of valley, gorge, etc, mulut; the ~s of death, cengkaman maut; 4. (in pl), (part of machine, tool) rahang; 5. (colloq) gossip, talk, bersembang; hold your ~, (colloq) diamlah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |