Display virtual keyboard interface

Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

Definisi : sj sumpit atau beg yg dianyam drpd daun mengkuang dll; kampil I. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)
kampit (kata nama)
Bersinonim dengan kampit, kambut, kantung, jaras, karung, keranjang, sumpit, buntil, guni, ambung, pundi, raga, bakul, rombong, wadah.,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

burst~ with, a. <i>be so full as to almost break open, overflow,i> penuh padat dgn; <i>(with people)i> penuh sesak dgn: <i>sacks ~ing with corn,i> kampit yg penuh padat dgn jagung; <i>the department stores were ~ing with last minute shoppers,i> gedung serbaneka penuh sesak dgn pembeli saat-saat akhir; b. <i>be full of (joy, enthusiasm, etc)i> terlalu, amat: <i>she was ~ing with happiness,i> dia terlalu gembira; ~ing with impatience, tdk sabar-sabar lagi; c. <i>show abundance of (energy, vitality, etc)i> penuh, sangat: <i>to be ~ing with vitality,i> penuh bertenaga; ~ing with health, segar-bugar.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
spill 1 <i> vi also ~i> out, tumpah: <i> take care that the coffee does not ~,i> hati-hati supaya kopi itu tdk tumpah; <i> the bag broke, and the sugar spilt on the floor,i> kampit itu pecah dan gula tumpah di lantai;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bag<i>ni> 1. <i>container with handle used for carrying etc, beg: all ~s are to be left at the counter,i> semua beg hendaklah ditinggalkan di kaunter; <i>the car keys are in my ~,i> kunci kereta ada di dlm beg saya; 2. <i>container without handle used for holding, storing things etc,i> a. <i>(gen) beg: cement ~s,i> beg simen; b. <i>(if small)i> bungkus; <i>(plaited)i> sumpit, kampit; c. <i>(if large, sack-like)i> karung; <i>(slightly smaller in size)i> kampit; <i>(made from jute)i> guni, karung;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
place/mempunyai, berada dlm/ kedudukan: <i>the Ambassador is well ~ to report on the situation,i> Duta besar berada dlm kedudukan yg baik utk melaporkan keadaan itu; <i>the two countries were very similarly ~d in regard to their economic activities,i> kedua-dua negara itu mempunyai kedudukan yg sama dr segi kegiatan ekonomi; 9. <i>make,i> a. (<i>orderi>) membuat: <i>the bakery ~d an order for a hundred bags of flour,i> kedai roti itu membuat pesanan seratus kampit tepung; b. (<i>beti>) membuat, memasang: <i>they were asked to ~ their bets as soon as possible,i> mereka diminta memasang taruhan seberapa cepat yg boleh;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
dull3. <i>not bright, rather dark,i> (<i>of colouri>) suram, sebam; (<i>of lighti>) suram, buram: <i>the ~ yellow of old gold,i> warna kuning suram emas lama; <i>there was a ~ glow in the night sky,i> terdapat cahaya suram di langit malam; 4. <i>overcast,i> suram: <i>the sky was ~ all day,i> langit suram sepanjang hari; 5. <i>not clear,i> bengap, tdk jelas: <i>there was a ~ thud as the bag of rice fell to the floor,i> kedengaran bunyi bengap apabila kampit beras itu jatuh ke lantai; ~ of hearing, lemah pendengaran; 6. <i>blunt,i> tumpul, majal: <i>the ~ edge of the knife,i> mata pisau yg tumpul; 7. (<i>of pain, achei>) <i>not sharp,i> tdk mencucuk; 8. <i>slow in understanding, learning, etc,i>Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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