volume | n 1. book, buku: a library of 10,000 ~s, perpustakaan yg mempunyai 10,000 buah buku; 2. one of a set of books, jilid: the encyclopedia is in eight ~s, ensiklopedia itu dlm lapan jilid; ~ II of the dictionary will be out this year, jilid II kamus itu akan terbit tahun ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
privileged | adj 1. fortunate, honoured, mendapat penghormatan: she was one of the ~ few who met Queen Elizabeth II, dia salah seorang yg mendapat penghormatan mengadap Ratu Elizabeth II; 2. (often derog)having special rights, mempunyai hak istimewa: a member of the ~ class, anggota golongan yg mempunyai hak istimewa; 3. (leg.) terlindung: ~ action, tindakan terlindung; ~ communication, komunikasi terlindung; ~ document, dokumen terlindung. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pajamas | n ii> (US) see PYJAMAS.\ | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ally | n one united to another for common purposes, a. (of country) sekutu: France was an ~ of Britain during World War II, Perancis adalah sekutu Britain semasa Perang Dunia Ke-II; b. (of person) sekutu, bersekutu: the two men were allies in the Union dispute, kedua-dua lelaki itu bersekutu dlm pertikaian Kesatuan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
war | n 1. armed conflict, battle, peperangan, perang: ~ broke out between the two nations, peperangan tercetus antara dua negara itu; many lives were lost in the ~, banyak nyawa yg terkorban dlm peperangan itu; World W~ II, Perang Dunia II; 2. campaign or struggle against a particular thing, perang: the government is planning a ~ on drugs, kerajaan sedang merancang perang thdp najis dadah; perang menentang buta huruf belum berjaya lagi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sit | ii. (painter etc ) dilukis + approp n: this lady sat for many famous artists, wanita ini dilukis gambarnya oleh ramai pelukis terkenal; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
surge | ii. (of people, animals, etc) meluru: a ~ of demonstrating students broke into the school compound, sekumpulan penuntut yg mogok meluru masuk ke kawasan sekolah; 2. (electr) pertambahan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
stab | ii. (with fork etc) mencucuk-cucukkan [garpu] ke [udara dsb]; c. thrust (st) into st, mencucukkan: he ~bed his finger into my ribs, dia mencucukkan jarinya pd rusuk saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
papacy | n 1. office of the pope, (jawatan) paus: to be raised to the ~, dilantik menjadi paus; 2. period of time when a pope is in office, masa sso /memegang jawatan, menjadi/ paus: during the ~ of John II, pd masa John II menjadi paus. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
stretch | ii. extend neck in order to see st better, memanjangkan: by ~ing her neck out, she had a better view of the scene, dgn memanjangkan lehernya dia dapat melihat pemandangan itu dgn lebih jelas lagi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |