amidships, (US) amidship | adv 1. at centre of vessel, di bahagian tengah kapal: the torpedo hit ~, torpedo itu menghentam di bahagian tengah kapal; 2. towards middle of ship, ke tengah-tengah kapal: to run ~, berlari ke tengah-tengah kapal. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
centre | vt 1. place in the middle, meletakkan [sst] di tengah(-tengah): to ~ the vase on the table, meletakkan jambangan bunga di tengah-tengah meja; 2. bring to the middle, mengetengahkan, /menghantar, membawa/ [sst] ke tengah: the defender ~d the ball, pemain barisan pertahanan itu menghantar bola ke tengah (padang); 3. focus, menumpukan, memusatkan: to ~ our hopes on him, menumpukan harapan kita padanya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
innermost | adj 1. a. farthest in, paling jauh ke dlm: the ~ part of the cave, bahagian gua yg paling jauh ke dlm; b. central, di tengah-tengah, (paling) tengah, tengah sekali: the ~ room of the palace, bilik istana yg di tengah-tengah; 2. most private, [various translations]: she was afraid to reveal her ~ feelings, dia takut utk menunjukkan perasaan yg terpendam dlm lubuk hatinya; writing his ~ thoughts in his diary..., menulis isi hatinya dlm buku harian...; it was his ~ belief that..., dlm hati kecilnya dia percaya bahawa...; in the ~ recesses of her heart, jauh di lubuk hatinya; ~ being, hati kecil. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deep | adv 1. far down, jauh (ke dalam): hammer the post ~ into the ground, tukul tiang itu jauh ke dalam tanah; 2. far in, jauh: he disappeared ~ into the crowd, dia menghilang jauh di tengah-tengah orang ramai; our troops penetrated ~ into enemy-held territory, askar kami menembusi jauh ke dalam kawasan musuh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
whither | adv (old use) 1. to which place, ke mana: ~ thou goest, I will go, ke mana sahaja kekanda pergi, adinda akan ikut; 2. (of a country, industry, etc) what is the likely future, apa yg akan /berlaku, terjadi/ pd: amid all this political turmoil, ~ India?, di tengah-tengah kekacauan politik ini, apa yg akan berlaku pd India?. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
open | n 1. outdoors, luar (rumah): spend more time in the ~, luangkan lebih masa di luar (rumah); they slept in the ~, mereka tidur di luar (rumah); 2. open space, tempat lapang: in the ~, di tempat lapang; some orchid species thrive in the ~, sesetengah jenis orkid hidup subur di tempat lapang; in (to) the ~, bring to public notice, dibawa ke tengah: those allegations were brought out into the ~, tuduhan itu telah dibawa ke tengah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
offshore | adv 1. away from the shore, ke arah laut: the wind was blowing ~, angin bertiup ke arah laut; 2. at a distance from the shore, di tengah laut: a ship, seven miles ~, kapal yg berada tujuh batu di tengah laut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inner | adj 1. inside, interior, sebelah dalam; (of ear) dalam: an ~ courtyard, laman sebelah dalam; the door leading to the ~ office was locked, pintu masuk ke pejabat sebelah dalam berkunci; the cupboard has an ~ compartment, almari itu mempunyai ruang sebelah dalam; an infection in the ~ ear, jangkitan pd telinga dalam; 2. central part of, bahagian tengah: an office in ~ Sydney, pejabat di bahagian tengah Sydney; 3. (of meaning) obscure, tersirat, terselindung, tersembunyi: was there an ~ meaning to that remark?, apakah ada maksud yg tersirat dlm kata-kata itu?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
after | prep 1. following in time, selepas, sesudah, setelah: ~ lunch, selepas makan tengah hari; ~ a short rest, selepas berehat sebentar; ~ the wedding, selepas majlis perkahwinan; 2. following continually, dr [ n ] ke [n ], demi; (of period of time) dr se [ n ] ke se [ n ], berganti: line ~ line, dr satu baris ke satu baris; mistake ~ mistake, kesilapan demi kesilapan; they worked day ~ day, mereka bekerja dr sehari ke sehari; 3. following in place, selepas, sesudah: my name was ~ his on the list, nama saya selepas namanya dlm senarai itu; Q comes ~ P in the alphabet, dlm abjad, Q ialah selepas P; 4. behind, dr belakang, [sometimes not translated]: she followed ~ him, dia mengikutinya dr belakang; please close the door ~ you, tolong tutup pintu; he dragged the broken branch ~ him, dia mengheret dahan patah itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
switch | vi 1. (shift) beralih; (change) bertukar: in the middle of the discussion he suddenly ~ed to another subject, di tengah perbincangan itu, dia tiba-tiba beralih ke tajuk yg lain; the wind suddenly ~ed from west to south, arah angin tiba-tiba bertukar dr barat ke selatan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |