advance | n 1. forward movement, kemaraan: to check the enemy’s ~, menyekat kemaraan musuh; 2. (ref to passage of time) a. (of age) kelanjutan: the ~ of old age, kelanjutan umur; b. (of night) kelarutan; 3. spread (of disease, epidemic) merebaknya; 4. progress, kemajuan: recent ~s in science, kemajuan-kemajuan dlm bidang sains akhir-akhir ini; 5. (rare) rise (in wages, price, etc) kenaikan: an ~ in the cost of living, kenaikan kos sara hidup; 6. also advance payment, payment beforehand, a. (in part), (bayaran) pendahuluan; b. (in full) bayaran sepenuhnya terlebih dahulu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
advance | n 1. forward movement, kemaraan: to check the enemy’s ~, menyekat kemaraan musuh; 2. (ref to passage of time) a. (of age) kelanjutan: the ~ of old age, kelanjutan umur; b. (of night) kelarutan; 3. spread (of disease, epidemic) merebaknya; 4. progress, kemajuan: recent ~s in science, kemajuan-kemajuan dlm bidang sains akhir-akhir ini; 5. (rare) rise (in wages, price, etc) kenaikan: an ~ in the cost of living, kenaikan kos sara hidup; 6. also advance payment, payment beforehand, a. (in part), (bayaran) pendahuluan; b. (in full) bayaran sepenuhnya terlebih dahulu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
progress | n 1. forward movement, advance, kemaraan, pergerakan: the expedition’s ~ was slowed by blizzards, kemaraan ekspedisi itu menjadi perlahan disebabkan ribut salji; heavy falls of snow meant we could only make slow ~, salji yg turun dgn lebat bermakna pergerakan kita akan menjadi perlahan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
Great Leap Forward | n Kemaraan Raksasa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
thrust | 2. forceful forward movement, kemaraan, mara: during their westward ~, the enemy captured three cities, semasa kemaraannya, pihak musuh menawan tiga buah bandar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
push | 2. drive, determination, daya usaha: a successful salesman needs a certain amount of ~, jurujual yg berjaya memerlukan sedikit sebanyak daya usaha; 3.advance into an area, kemaraan: the enemy’s ~ to the south was halted, kemaraan pihak musuh ke selatan disekat; 4. shift, move towards st, gerakan, aliran: of late, there’s been a ~ in that direction from certain quarters, kebelakangan ini, terdapat gerakan ke arah itu dr beberapa kumpulan; 5. (colloq) pressure (on so. to do st) desakan: she needs a bit of a ~ to make her work, dia perlu sedikit desakan utk membuat dia bekerja; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
progression | n 1. a. act of moving forward, pergerakan, kemaraan: the army’s ~ from the border to the capital was impeded by sandstorms, pergerakan tentera dr sempadan ke ibu negeri itu dirintangi oleh ribut pasir; b. act of advancing toward a better or more complete state, kemajuan; he takes little interest in the children’s ~ at school, dia kurang berminat thdp kemajuan anak-anaknya di sekolah; c. act of developing, kemajuan:the supervisor comes once a week to review ~ of the work at the site, penyelia itu datang seminggu sekali utk melihat kemajuan kerja di tempat itu. 2. sequence of things, rentetan, rangkaian: an endless ~ of sand-dunes, rentetan bukit pasir yg tdk putus-putus. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
onward | adj 1. forward (in space) ke /depan, hadapan/: the ~ motion of the vehicle lulled us to sleep, pergerakan ke depan kenderaan itu menyebabkan kami terlelap; ~ march, kemaraan; (of events) perkembangan: the army’s ~ march was halted, kemaraan tentera terhenti; 2. (rel to journey) terus: you should reconfirm your ~ journey to Karachi, kamu harus mengesahkan semula perjalanan terus ke Karachi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
check | vt 1. stop movement of, menahan, menyekat: the enemy’s advance has been ~ed, kemaraan pihak musuh telah disekat; 2. control, mengawal; (tears) menahan: to ~ inflation, mengawal inflasi; she was not able to ~ her tears, dia tdk dapat menahan air matanya; 3. test for accuracy etc, menyemak: to ~ my answer against his, menyemak jawapan saya berdasarkan jawapannya; 4. inspect, examine, memeriksa: the doctor ~ed his blood pressure, doktor memeriksa tekanan darahnya; the official ~ed all the weights, pegawai itu memeriksa semua anak dacing; 5. reduce, mengurangkan: he ~ed his speed when he saw the police car, dia mengurangkan kelajuannya apabila terlihat kereta polis; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
unchecked | adj 1. unhindered, tdk dapat /dihalang, disekat/: the epidemic raged ~, wabak itu menular dan tdk dapat disekat; an ~ advance of troops towards the border, kemaraan askar yg tdk dapat dihalang menuju ke sempadan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |