dilated | <i>adji> 1. <i>expanded,i> kembang: <i>~ blood vessels,i> salur darah yg kembang; 2. (<i>of eyesi>) terbeliak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
voluminous | <i>adji> 1. <i>loose and full,i> kembang: <i>a ~ skirt,i> skirt kembang; 2. <i>copious,i> panjang lebar: <i>he took ~ notes of the proceedings,i> dia membuat catatan yg panjang lebar ttg prosiding itu; <i>~ correspondence,i> surat-menyurat yg panjang lebar; 3. (<i>of writeri>) <i>producing many books,i> banyak menulis. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
overblown | <i>adji> 1. (<i>of floweri>) kembang mekar: <i>an ~ rose,i> bunga ros yg kembang mekar; 2. (<i>pretentiousi>) melambung-lambung, berlebih-lebih, melampau-lampau; (<i>bombastici>) terlalu berbunga-bunga: <i>~ compliments,i> pujian yg melambung-lambung; <i>~ prose,i> prosa yg terlalu berbunga-bunga. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fan1 | <i>ni> kipas; (<i>tail of birdi>) kembang: <i>electric ~,i> kipas elektrik; <i>she hid her face behind her ~,i> dia menyembunyikan mukanya di balik kipas; <i>radiator ~,i> kipas radiator; <i>deltaic ~,i> kipas delta; <i>the ~ of the pigeon’s tail,i>ekor merpati yg kembang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flare | <i>ni> 1. <i>bright, unsteady flamei>, nyala (api): <i>we saw a ~ as she lit the gasi>, kami ternampak nyala api ketika dia mencucuh gas; 2. (<i>signali>) suar; 3. (<i>of garmenti>) <i>gradual wideningi>, kembang: <i>a skirt with a ~i>, skirt kembang; ~s, seluar kaki kembang; (<i>colloqi>) seluar <i>bell bottomi>; 4. <i>sudden outburst of emotion, approp ni> + meluap-luap: <i>~ of jealousyi>, rasa cemburu yg meluap-luap; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
brew | <i>vii> 1. <i>under go process of brewing,i> (<i>of beeri>) membru; (<i>of teai>) kembang; (<i>of coffeei>), (menjadi) mesra: <i>beer smells strongly while ~ing,i> bir berbau keras semasa dibru; <i>he let the tea ~ for a few more minutes,i> dia membiarkan daun teh itu kembang selama beberapa minit lagi; <i>don’t go yet, the coffee has not ~ed,i> jangan pergi dahulu, kopi belum mesra; 2. <i>be impending,i> bergelora; (<i>of trouble, crisis, etci>) bergolak: <i>a storm is ~ing in the west,i> ribut sedang bergelora di sebelah barat; <i>trouble is ~ing in the Middle East,i> kekacauan sedang bergolak di Timur Tengah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flare | <i>vii> 1. <i>alsoi> ~ up, <i>blaze with unsteady flamei>, menyala; (<i>with large flamei>) memarak: <i>the candle ~d and went outi>, lilin itu menyala lalu padam; <i>the wind caused the fire to ~ upi>, angin menyebabkan api itu memarak; 2. <i>alsoi> ~ out, <i>widen graduallyi>, kembang: <i>the skirt ~s slightly,i> skirt itu kembang sedikit; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fantail | <i>n i> 1. <i>fan-shaped tail,i> ekor kipas; 2. (<i>flycatcher i>) sambar; 3. <i>broad-tailed pigeon,i> (burung) merpati ekor kembang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bloom | <i>vii> 1. <i>bear flowers,i> berbunga: <i>plants that ~ all the year round,i> pokok yg berbunga sepanjang tahun; 2. <i>(of flower) open,i> mekar, kembang; 3. <i>flourish,i> berkembang (subur): <i>talent that ~s at an early age,i> bakat yg berkembang subur pd usia yg muda; 4. <i>be in full beauty and perfection,i> mekar: <i>a scrawny child who ~ed into a beautiful woman,i> kanak-kanak kurus kering yg mekar menjadi wanita yg cantik; 5. <i>glow,i> berseri: <i>the child’s face ~s with health,i> muka kanak-kanak itu berseri krn sihat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
brush1 | <i>ni> 1. <i>implement for painting, cleaning, etc,i> berus: <i>a scrubbing ~,i> berus penggosok; <i>a clothes ~,i> berus baju; 2. <i>act of brushing,i> memberus: <i>your coat needs a ~,i> kot kamu perlu diberus; give st a ~, memberus sst; 3. <i>a light touch,i> geselan: <i>she felt the soft ~ of the leaves against her arms,i> dia terasa geselan lembut daun-daun pd lengannya; 4. (<i>skirmishi>), (<i>mili>) pertempuran kecil; (<i>confrontationi>) pertembungan: <i>a ~ with enemy troops,i> pertempuran kecil dgn pihak musuh; <i>it was the boy’s first ~ with the police,i> itulah pertembungan pertama budak itu dgn polis; 5. <i>bushy tail esp of fox,i> ekor kembang: 6. (<i>electri>) berus; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |