faith | n 1. strong belief, complete confidence, kepercayaan, keyakinan; (in God) kepercayaan, percaya: children usually have ~ in their parents, anak-anak selalunya menaruh kepercayaan thdp ibu bapa mereka; I have ~ in his ability to do the job, saya mempunyai keyakinan bahawa dia boleh melaksanakan kerja itu; to put o’s ~ in God, percaya kpd Tuhan; lose ~, hilang kepercayaan, tdk percaya lagi: he has completely lost ~ in doctors, dia telah sama sekali hilang kepercayaan thdp doktor; 2. trust in God, his divinity, promises or actions, iman; 3. religion, agama: the Muslim ~, agama Islam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
trust | n 1. firm belief, kepercayaan: I have complete ~ in him, saya menaruh kepercayaan yg penuh terhadapnya; you cannot place any ~ in his words, kamu tdk boleh menaruh kepercayaan pd kata-katanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
orthodoxy | n 1. orthodox belief, kepercayaan ortodoks: Judaic ~, kepercayaan ortodoks agama Yahudi; 2. quality of being orthodox, sikap ortodoks, keortodoksan: the boy rebelled against the ~ of his father, budak itu menentang sikap ortodoks bapanya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
creed | n 1. system of beliefs, principles, a. (in general) fahaman: his political ~, fahaman politiknya; b. (religious) kepercayaan, agama, akidah: men of all races and ~s, manusia drpd berbagai-bagai bangsa dan kepercayaan; 2. short, formal statement of faith, syahadat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
superstitious | adj 1. based on superstition, karut: the belief is just ~ nonsense, kepercayaan itu hanyalah karut semata-mata; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
persuasion | n 1. skill of influencing so. to do or agree to st, pujukan, memujuk: after a lot of ~, he agreed to attend the function, selepas beberapa kali dipujuk, dia bersetuju utk menghadiri majlis itu; she tried by flattery and ~ to induce her husband to take her with him, dia mencuba memuji dan memujuk suaminya supaya dia dibawa bersama; 2. particular belief, a. (religious) kepercayaan: all citizens, no matter what their ~..., semua rakyat tanpa mengira kepercayaan mereka...; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
distinction | n 1. act of differentiating, discriminating, membezakan, pembezaan: without ~ as to rank or creed, tanpa membezakan pangkat atau kepercayaan; /make, draw/ a ~ between, membuat perbezaan antara: to draw a ~ between the political and non-political aspects of the issue, membuat perbezaan antara aspek-aspek politik dan bukan politik isu itu; 2. difference, perbezaan: ~s of birth are no longer important, perbezaan keturunan tdk penting lagi; there is a ~ between the two synonyms, terdapat perbezaan antara kedua-dua kata seerti itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bestial | adj 1. of, like a beast, (spt) binatang: the belief that a man could assume ~ form after death, kepercayaan bahawa manusia dapat menjelma dlm bentuk binatang selepas mati; the ~ signs of the zodiac, lambang-lambang binatang dlm zodiak; 2. brutal, savage, kejam, zalim; (of person) bersifat kebinatangan; (of cruelty) dahsyat: the ~ commander of a concentration camp, ketua tentera yg bersifat kebinatangan di kem tahanan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
rationalize, rationalise | vt 1. explain on rational grounds, memberi rasional thdp: it’s impossible to ~ faith, tdk mungkin utk memberi rasional thdp kepercayaan; 2. make a business etc more efficient, merasionalkan: the need to ~ the rural industries, keperluan utk merasionalkan industri-industri luar bandar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
religious | adj 1. of religion, agama: the ~ teachings of Buddha, ajaran-ajaran agama Buddha; people with no ~ faith, orang yg tdk ada kepercayaan agama; 2. devout, warak: a ~ man, lelaki yg warak; 3. of a monastic order, ibadah: a ~ house, rumah ibadah; 4. conscientious, cermat: she is ~ in her observance of old customs, dia cermat mematuhi adat-adat lama; with ~ care, dgn cermat: she does her work with ~ care, dia membuat kerjanya dgn cermat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |